
My First Day at Senior High 迎着清晨的第一缕阳光,我迈入了高中生活的门槛,这是一个我期待已久的全新世界——高级高中的校园。一进入校园,高级高中的氛围就让我感到振奋。高大的建筑、宽敞的操场、图书馆里传来的学术氛围,这些都与初中截然不同。教学楼内走廊墙壁上悬挂的名人名言,仿佛在对每...


Walking through the gates of my new high school, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It was the first day of senior high, a new chapter in my academic journey, and I was eager to explore what it would bring.The campus was bustling with activity as students milled...


but I never gave up and eventually overcame them. High school life is not easy, but it helps us grow up quickly.作文二 The first day at high school, I was filled with anticipation. After nine years of primary and middle school, I was finally stepping into the realm of high...

求my new school life 高一英语作文 1我在城固二中,学校很大,很漂亮...

This is my first day at a Senior High School. Everything is new for me. I 'm so excited about my new life. I cannot wait to meet my new teachers and make some more new friends. I feel like I'm growing up.这是我在高中的第一天。一切都是新的我。我对我的新生活非常兴...


My first day in the high school today is my fist day in my high school life, I was really nervious and ended up be the first one who arrives school in my class. I was kind worried about the teachers and my new classmates at the start, but it is actually all right, I ...


Iwill study well. In a word, I had a great day of my first high school life.当所有的课都结束的时候,我的第一天高中生活也结束了。今天确实很激动因为见到了老朋友,并认识了新的朋友。在和老师谈话的帮助下,我已经认为我没必要紧张学习了。老师说,一分耕耘一分收获。如果我够努力,我一...




The first day of my high school life The first day of high school life,I have some thoughts and feelings.The passage of time can always give people some special things.In the new environment,I feel a bit excited.Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my ...



以 高中生活的第一天 为题写一篇英语作文作文 100词左右

and the gigantic building that entered my eyes - everything is as good as I thought they would be. I like the school here, and I believe I will have a good year learning in high school.翻译:今天是开学第一天,我很兴奋。我对获得新知识感到兴奋。我很兴奋能获得新的目标。见到新...