
回答:您好,翻译是: We were having a meeting when she came. have a meeting:开会 祝您开心 望采纳谢谢


当他上星期来的时候我们正在开会 We were having a meeting when he came 这应该用过去式

明天下午三点,我们将正在开会 用英语怎么说

We will be having a meeting at three tomorrow afternoon.


我正在开会 I am having a meeting.英 [ˈmi:tiŋ] 美 [ˈmitɪŋ]n. 会议; 聚会; 汇合点; 运动会;v. 相遇( meet的现在分词); 相识; 开会; 接触(某物);

在开会是“at a meeting”还是“in a meeting”?最好有确定,又根据的出...

回答:at a meeting和in a meeting都可以说,请看实例(大都出自权威词书):Officially, the director is in a meeting, though actually he’s playing golf. 据说主任正在开会,可他实际上正打高尔夫球呢。——见《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版) (officially词条)I’m tied up in a meeting ...

即然大家都到齐了,我们开始开会吧。翻译成英语。(_) (_) everyone is...

everyone is here, let's take the chair.不是拿椅子哦 或者:Okay. Now we got everybody. Let's get started.又或者:Okay,everybody is here. Let's get started/let's begin our meeting.还或者:Since no one is absent, let's start the meeting.不知道你是求翻译还是求填空呢?

【趣味英语】 :“开会”千万别说成“open a meeting”,小心被同事笑话...

在英语中,"open"这个词并非万能,它更多地与物理上的开启有关,如"open the door/window/box"或"open your eyes",而"turn on"和"switch on"则用于电器设备的开启,如"I want to turn on the television"。"switch off"则是关闭的意思。说到公司每年的活动,"年会"并不直接等同于"year ...


have a meeting或hold a meeting 若放在句首作主语(或作宾语时),则have和hold要加ing.还有在现在进行时(或过去完成时)的时候,have和hold也要加ing.,例如:They are(were) having a meeting.They are(were) holding a meeting.


1、语境不同 at the meeting和in the meeting在英语中都表示在会议中的意思,但是使用语境有所不同。at the meeting通常用于描述在会议期间发生的事情,而in the meeting则更侧重于描述在会议进行中的状态。例句:①He made a speech at the meeting. 他在会议上发表了演讲。②She is in the ...


We usually have a party.--这里的“开会”应该是“开聚会( have a party)”,而不是 "have a meeting",2,what do you often do on Holloween?we will have a meet.,2,what do you often do on Halloween,we usually have a rally.,2,--What do you usually do in Halloween's day...