
Hua Tuo, a Chinese character, was born in peiguo Qiao. According to research, he was born in the first year of Yongjia of Han Dynasty and died in the 13th year of Jian'an.Famous medical scientist. When I was young, I went abroad to study medicine without seeking an officia...


Huà Tuó was a famous Chinese physician during the Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms era. He was the first person to perform surgery with the aid of anesthesia, some 1600 years before the practice was adopted by Europeans. He did this by first feeding the patient with wine mixed w...


Simplified Chinese: 华陀 Traditional Chinese: 华佗 Pinyin: Huà Tuó Wade-Giles: Hua T'o Zi: Yuanhua (元化) Hua Tuo (d. 208) was a famous physician during the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms era of China. He was described as looking like "an immortal who had passed the gates o...


Biographical information about Hua Tuo has been summarized and presented in English in three works: an article in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1), a monograph in Chen's History of Chinese Medical Science (2), and an extensive report in the Advanced Textbook on Traditional Chinese...


was later known as the" exploratory surgery"," surgical originator Portrait of Hua Tuo Figurine collection (20)". Proficient in women, children, families, and is particularly good at medicine, surgery, and toured Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu and other places. He used" Mafeisan"...

三国演义 人物英文介绍

曹操 The Majestic Premier 威严的首相 擎天柱(英文原名:Optimus Prime)简评 当之无愧!!司马懿 Brain of The Darkness 暗黑之脑 通天晓 简评 毫无疑问,的人都很聪明 夏侯敦 Mighty Commander 强大司令官 猛大帅 简评 不过正史这位爷没打过几次胜仗 夏侯渊 The Swift Vanguard 飞翔先锋 急先锋 简...




Mafei San(Chinese ancient narcotic drug)翻译中医药的规则:名称用汉语拼音(因为外语中没有相对应的词),后面用括号加解释性说明。


中国医师节英文:Chinese Physician's Day。中国医师节最早源于中国医师协会(China Medical Doctor Association,简称CMDA)的倡导。中国医师协会于2001年提出将每年的8月19日定为中国医师节,以纪念著名的古代医学家华佗的诞辰。华佗,被尊称为 "神医",在古代医学史上有着重要地位,他的医术和人文精神影响...


华佗故里、药材之乡: “Native place of Huatuo, Town of Chinese crude drugs”京九线 Beijing-Kowloon Railway 中药材Chinese herbal medicine 白芍: 拉丁文:Radix Paeoniae Alba 英文:White Peony Root 桔梗:拉丁文:Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC 英文:Chinese bell flower 黄芪:拉丁文:Astragalus...