天气通常怎么样的英语怎么写 do on you what usually sundays do 连词...

the weather?天气经常怎么样。What do you usually do on Sundays.你们经常在周日的时候做什么?


how is winter in your city? winter is usually cold and snowy.望采纳


It's usually sunny, sometimes it's windy and rainy.天气通常很晴朗,有时会刮风下雨


第一种说法:how's the weather 第二种说法:what's the weather like 第三种说法:how do U think about the weather 第三种说法通常是熟人见面时用的,在欧洲特别是英国那边很常用


天气怎么样的英语是What's the weather like?what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法。还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。作...


The weather in my hometown is very sunny and usually rainy but I always prefer windy weather 我的家乡天气很晴朗和经常下雨不过我更喜欢凉爽的天气.The weather in my hometown is very sunny and usually rainy,and I love windy weather.我的家乡天气很晴朗和经常下雨,以及我更喜欢凉爽的天气.


The first season is spring. The three months in it are March, April and May. During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plants come to life. Animals wake up from hibernation. It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields.The second season is summer. ...


天气怎么样 英文:What is the weather like? ; How is the weather?


询问天气的英语句型有以下几种:1. What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?2. How's the weather looking today? 今天的天气看起来怎么样?3. Is it going to rain today? 今天会下雨吗?4. Will it be sunny today? 今天会晴朗吗?5. What's the forecast for today? 今天的天气...


In summer,the days get longer and nights get shorter.It is very hot.It often rains so it's very wet.在夏季,白天变长了,黑夜变短了。天气很热。经常下雨,天气很潮湿。温度很高。It is very hot in the summer.people dont like going out on summer afternoon because the temperature ...