三天后的天气会怎么样? 英语翻译

你好,1 三天后的天气会怎么样?1) What will the weather be like in three days time?2 这几天天气忽冷忽热的,不知道再过几天天气会怎样?2) These few days the weather has changed rapidly, cold in one day and hot in another. I really do not know how it would be li...


latest three days' weather forecast in huaibei, anhui province.


就是 three-day weather forecast 不用再in the future了,foreceat本来就是未来


1. The phrase "未来三天天气预报" can be translated to "three-day weather forecast" without the addition of "in the future," as "forecast" inherently refers to a prediction for a time yet to come.

...3.有一点点风 4.那里天气怎么样 5.有雾 (翻译成英语)

1.It is raining now.2.---What's the weather like today? /How's the weather today?---Sunny.3.It is a little windy.4.How is the weather there?5,It's foggy.参考资料:/


Monday. City B will be shadowy all three days, with almost no change in temperature, -1 to 6 degrees. City C will have sleet in the following three days, but becomes warmer bit by bit: Saturday -8 to 2 degrees, Sunday -4 to 4 degrees and Monday -2 to 5 degrees.

这天天气真不好!用英文怎么说? 急急急!请大家帮帮忙啊!

感叹句 how bad the weather is !what a bad weather it is!陈述句the weather is bad


明天(周日) 25~12℃ 晴 微风 后天(周一) 25~14℃ 阴转阵雨 微风 大后天(周二) 25~12℃ 多云转晴 北风3-4级


这样的意思用英语有多种方式表达:It is such a nice day today.It is such a beautiful weather today.The weather is really nice today.What a nice day it is today.


/ 14℃ 微风 4月20日 25℃ / 13℃ 微风 4月21日 24℃ / 14℃ 微风 4月22日 25℃ / 15℃ 微风 4月23日 26℃ / 12℃ 微风 参考资料:http://life.baidu.com/#weather