这几天天气都好热 我宁愿待在家里也不愿意出去 英语怎么翻译

你好,It's hot these few days, I prefer staying at home to going out.


1、 stuffiness,n.闷热;不通风 它的形容词形式是stuffy,hot and stuffy就是闷热的意思。We cannot stand the stuffiness of the room.我们不能忍受这间屋子里的闷热。2、 scorcher,n.大热天;炎热的天 It’s been getting really hot lately-I think we’re in for a scorcher this summer....

太热用英语怎么说?way to hot 可以吗?不要It's too hot, 多几种...

how hot it is!(多么热的天啊)what a hot weather!(真是个热天)so hot the weather is!(天气也太热了)it can`t be hotter anymore!(没有什么比这更热的了)my skin is peeling!(热的暴皮了)


The weather here is very hot.望采纳。



天气热的英语表达:to be warm、to be hot。一、to be warm 英 [tu: bi: wɔ:m] 美 [tu bi wɔrm]天气热 1、I learned to be warm when I was cold 在我感到寒冷时,我了解了温暖 2、It helps to be warm and close to someone.这种温暖和亲近让我感觉好多了 二、...


天气很热:The weather is real hot.我打开冰箱拿出一个冰淇淋边吃边看电视:I took an ice-cream from the fridge, tasting the ice-cream and watching TV at the same time.重点词汇:1、weather 英 [ˈweðə(r)] ,美 [ˈweðər]n.天气;气象;气象...




4. it's sizzling hot today, I don't feel like playing basketball.石锅饭刚刚上桌的时候听到嘶嘶的声音,天气热到你感觉地面都要冒烟的时候,打篮球也许不是个好主意。天会下雨,也可以下火,形容这种火炉般天气的词是scorcher。6. It's hot as heck!因为太热而产生的抱怨,heck比hell要礼貌...


"Swelter"则传达出"热得难受"的感觉,如"crowds of shoppers sweltered in the summer heat." 这个词适合描述在高温天气中的不适体验,如"酷热难耐的八月天"。说到消暑必备的"ice lolly"或"ice pop",它们在英美两国都有不同的叫法。在美式英语中,"opsicle"是一个生动的词汇,而英式英语中则更...