
1,She's obsessed with her weight, even though she's not fat.即使她并不胖,她仍老想着减肥的事。2,She is obsessed with fear of unemployment.她被失业的恐惧所困扰。3,The women featured in these novels may be obsessed with appearance have a passion for shopping.这一类小说中描绘...


1.Some women are obsessed with keeping their homes as clean as the hospital.2.Tom is very good at science, while his brother is absolutely hopeless.3.Do let me know if you come to my city.望采纳,谢谢合作!


6、The clothes and the hairdo are a superficial sign of a deeper urge to be identical.他们的服装和发型都说明他们在内心强烈求同。7、Take a very quick, superficial look at sth.匆匆或草草看某物一眼。8、Determination of optical properties of superficial layers with ATR method.用衰减...


英文:not have enough money to cover the expenses <be unable to cope with a situation; be in straitened circumstances> 解释:绌:屈,不足。原指射箭时左臂撑弓,右臂弯曲。指财力或能力不足,穷于应付 典故:西汉·刘向《战国策·西周策》:“我不能教子支左屈右。”举例:鲁迅《南腔北调...

英语:be bought for的意思及造句

She bought an English dictionary for me.她给我买了一本英语词典。2. 以…价格买下:例句:He bought it for ten dollars.他以10美元买下它。3. 用现金买:例句:I bought the car from the store for cash.我用现金从这家商店买下这辆汽车。4. 以金钱买:例句:Happiness cannot be bought ...


形容牢记于心,时刻不忘。 【出处】: 《朱子全书·论语》:“言其于忠信笃敬,念念不忘。” 念念不忘意思相近的四字成语 【成语】: 朝思暮想 【拼音】: zhāo sī mù xiǎng 【解释】: 朝:早晨;暮:晚上。早晚都想念。形容非常想念或经常想着某一件事。 【出处】: 明·...

habitualness造句 habitualnessの例文 "habitualness"是什麼意思_百度...

With fickle, prodigal boomers, a group obsessed with staying young, age does not necessarily bring thriftiness or habitualness .Assuming parents are pleasant and not sniping at each other, the habitualness of the family meal can be " a kind of security, " says Comer.It's ...

sabr造句 sabrの例文 "sabr"是什麼意思

Malloy was a journapst and was considered by his peers in SABR to be a skilled authority on 19th century black baseball. My approach with them was to assert that a vandal is using fake ID's that are the names of SABR members. Some of Olbermann's SABR pals have even told him he was...