devide……into , separate……from和separate……into

devide into 是指把一个整体分开,如:He devided the apple into 4 pieces.〔他把那个苹果分成了4份.(苹果是一个整体)〕separate from 是指把某物分离,如:At this point the satellite separates from its launcher.(此时,卫星就脱离发射器.)separate into 是指把一些东西分离,不是一个整...

separated into可造句造为separated sth into...,

He has separated the wood-log into pieces.他将那块木头劈得粉碎.

separate into是什么意思

例句:1.Returning the superheated mixture suddenly to atmospheric pressure causes it toseparate into its liquid and gaseous components.将高温处理的混合物迅速置于大气压下,使之分离成液体和气态颗粒。2.Research in social psychology is shedding more light on the processes that drivehumans to s...

separate into什么意思

例句 Let's separate into smaller groups 我们分成几个小组吧。希望对你有帮助!


The profit can be separated up between us.这笔利润可以由我们双方分享。separate from(v.+prep.)分开; 区别 make, be separate from; make a distinction between sth When did you separate from your husband?你什么时候与丈夫分居的?separate into(v.+prep.)分成(若干部分) divide into ...

9. The road (separate) into two here.为什么不用被动

Theroad(separate)intotwohere.不用被动的原因:separate没有被动语态。Theschoolishousedintwoseparatebuildings. 学校设在两栋的楼房内。


be separated by被...隔断be separated from和...分离开,和...分散separate into分离成,分离的;的this raises two separate issues.分开,隔离 三、造句 例句1:Oceania is a separate landmass, but it is separated from Asia by very shallow water.大洋洲是一块单独的陆地,但它与亚洲之间...


在处理部分和整体的关系时,有两个动词短语常常被混淆:devide into和separate from。devide into主要用于表示将一个整体分成若干部分,如:"He divided the apple into four pieces",意味着将整个苹果切分成四等份。(这是将一个整体进行切割的动作)相比之下,separate from则侧重于将两个或多个的...


1. separate from:从…中分开、的、不同的 例如:This issue is separate from the main topic.(这个问题与主题无关)2. separate into:分成、分割成 例如:The cake is separated into six pieces.(这块蛋糕被分成了六份)3. separate out:筛选出、分离出 例如:We need to ...


separate into 分离成?分离的;的' this raises two separate issues.分开,隔离 When did they separate last night?separate的用法例句 1. A young man of his years needed to have a separate room.他那个年纪的年轻人需要有个单独的房间。2. The ability to separate out reusable elements ...