
Unluckily, he fell sick on the day of examination.


my unlucky day I've never been late for school,but yeterday I came very close.My alarm clock didn't go off,by the time I got up ,it was very later than before.When I got to school,I realized that I had left the homewok at home.And my teacher was angry with me,I ...

lf you're unlucky.trycourage


初三英语作文MY lucky/unlucky day

What an unlucky day! 今天早晨我起床时已经7点10分了。我匆匆洗了把脸,没吃早饭就朝学校奔奉。当我到达学校门口时,我发现我忘了带书包。只好又返回家。在回家的路上,我又被狗咬了一口。唉,真倒霉。当我再次赶到学校走进教室后,课已经开始了。我坐了下来,却发现我忘记带钢笔!噢!多么不走运...

以An Unlucky Day为题,叙述早上发生的不愉快的事,80词的英语作文,,今 ...

my school bag! I had to run back home. On the way home, I was knocked by a bike. When I went back school again, the bell rang. Teacher has started the class. I sat down but I found I did not bring my pen! Alas, how unlucky the day was!纯人工翻译,采纳!!!

《my unlucky day 》英语作文


only a few unlucky men may see everything in shades of green...


...倒霉的人永远倒霉 乐观的人永远幸运 这些句子的英文翻译_百度...

The sad are always sad,The unlucky are always unlucky ,The optimistic are always lucky.这个主要考察的是The+adj表示什么什么样的人。

以“An unlucky day”为题写作文,翻译下面的

left away.He either waited one more twenty minutes or walked to school.He made up the decision to walk to school,then when he almost got to the gate of school,the next bus had already passed him.He was late ,but the worse thing is he left his homework at home too....

英语翻译: Unlucky is gone
