怎么翻译?特别是“with somewhat the same sensitivity as Denn...

无上下文,字面翻译为:悬而未决的问题是该设备在帮助丹尼斯开始走路以及深入到他的生活环境中能发挥多大作用。同时Telesensory, Inc.公司正在研发一个为学龄儿童所使用的有着和丹尼斯差不多的灵敏性的声呐装置。with somewhat the same sensitivity as Dennis’s for use by school-age children 该句是...

英语翻译下面这段话 它突出了喝咖啡者的感觉体验,符合品咖啡时的那种...

它突出了喝咖啡者的感觉体验,符合品咖啡时的那种意境,同时又把麦氏咖啡的那种醇香与内心的感受紧紧结合起来,给人留下深刻的印象It highlights the drink Coffee sensory experience, fits that artistic conception Coffee when products, while at the same time Maxwell Coffee kind of mellow and inner ...

Sensory reactivity, grip strength values and motor activity scor...

Sensory reactivity:知觉反应, grip strength values and motor activity scores:掌控力基准和汽车灵敏程度

sensory jacksonian march 怎么翻译

sensory jacksonian march - 感官性杰克逊癫痫。Jacksonian march 又称为 Jacksonian seizure, 杰克逊癫痫的发作通常始于身体某小区域,然后散发至大范围,所以称‘march’。杰克逊癫痫发作通常仅影响身体的一侧。 在身体某位置如手指、脚趾或嘴角感到刺痛或抽搐,感觉然后传播到身体的更大的区域。其他症状可能包...


当你打开洗衣机,水加进来。直到水加到足够的情况下洗衣机才会开始工作。通过它“反馈”机器人只有接收了相关信息,然后才会决定下一步做什么。我们的眼睛,耳朵和其他感官,他们告诉我们周围发生的事。所以大多数的机器人是在某些方面类似于人。他们的工作和他们的反馈使我们的生活更容易。ABDBC 简单翻译...


Caution This apparatus doesnt't apply to the people who has physical, sensory or mental defective and people who lack experience unless they are responsible for their safety and provision of sufficient care under guidance on how to use the apparatus....

请翻译成英文 非常专业

Apple juice, pure milk as the main raw material, yogurt fermentation, using sucrose as the flavoring agent, fermented apple yogurt, improved the sour taste, increase the nutrients. In this paper, using sensory evaluation as a method for evaluating, milk, yogurt, apple juice ...

...洛克locke所谓的sensory emporium 应该怎么翻译,是什么意思?_百度...



2.2 Design patterns clothing display In the sensory elements, the color will enhance the aesthetic design of the stores display visual effects, changing color to give customers a wealth of visual enjoyment, and guide customers to select and purchase. Similarly, the sensory elements in ...


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