
才刚开始的英语时态是一般过去式。最常见的过去时间如:yesterday,last week/month/year,just now,this morning等等。刚才即just now,所以应该用一般过去时。时态(tense)是一种动词形式,不同的时态用以表示不同的时间与方式。它是表示行为、动作、状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式,在英语中有16种...

人生才刚开始 英语怎么说

才刚开始 用英语怎么说 End? Just started OVER? TAHT IS JUST A BEGINING 故事才刚开始。用英语怎么说? The story just begin 路才刚刚开始 英语怎么说 the road has only begun 路才刚刚开始 例句 1.虽然许多人的情绪都有所改善,但长远而艰难的复苏之路才刚刚开始。 While many ...

路才刚刚开始 英语怎么说

The road has just begun.The road has just started.路才刚刚开始。

人生才刚开始 英语怎么说

Life is just at the very beginning

人生才刚开始 英语怎么说

人生才刚开始 Life has just begun 我们真正的舞蹈人生才刚开始。We should get started on really dancing.


It's just the begining.

路才刚刚开始 英语怎么说

the road has only begun 路才刚刚开始 例句 1.虽然许多人的情绪都有所改善,但长远而艰难的复苏之路才刚刚开始。While many see sentiment improving, the long hard road to recovery has only begun


I am eager to such a real duel, game... Only just started


Life has just started off.或:Life has just set sail.Life has just set out.Life has just been proceeding.Life is just on the way.Life is just on its journey.


翻译为;This day just begins