
这些天 these days

these days 和those days 分别用在什么时态?

these days 应用在现在完成时里。因为肯定是说话人以现在为基点叙述过去的一段时间到现在发生的事 如 What have you done these days? 这些天你都做什么了?those days 应用在一般过去时里。因为肯定是说话人叙述过去某一段时间发生的事。如 They wrote with sticks on the ground those days. 在那...


These days.直译为:这些天,实际意思为前几天。如译为previous days等,均为中国式英语。


可能心情和天气有关,这些天总是阴天。Maybe the mood is related to the weather,all these days were cloudy.


a native speaker of English 一位地道讲英语的人 these days 这些天 我们必须好好照看我们自己的东西 we must (take,good,care,of)our own things 他起床太晚,没能赶上公交车 he got up (too, late, to) catch up with the bus 今天下午我需要购物 i (have to go) shopping this ...


In these days , we went to zoo . The last time we being here was ten years ago . Now it has changed much here . Lovely rabbit , friendly sika and pigeon , dull sea turtle , i was amazed by all of these . I love animals so much that when seeing them , i get no...

6、他这些天上哪儿去了?如何翻译英语 where has he been these days...


这些天天气不错 英语翻译

One of these days weather is good / bad weather  2 These days the weather is very hot / very cool  3 His bad mood these days  4 I think the heavy overcast, possibly going to rain.望采纳 谢谢 3Q 怎么不采纳 快快采纳吧~~~求求你啦 ...


What are you doing these days?也可以用现在完成进行时 What have you been doing these days?一直在做。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^


那些 nà xiē those:那些铅笔是我的。 Those pencils are mine.