
[拼音]:yóu yú [解释]sleeve-fish;squid;1.a squid;a calamary [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英进出口商品词汇大全 汉英航海大词典 鱿鱼钓机 [$n.] squid angling machine 鱿鱼干 dried squid 鱿鱼钩 squid hook; squid ...


鱿鱼 [词典] squid; calamary; sleeve-fish;[例句]如果你炒我鱿鱼,我就再也高兴不起来了。If you take my work away I can't be happy anymore


鱿鱼英语如下:英/skwɪd/。美/skwɪd/。n.鱿鱼;乌贼。复数: squid squids。It is thought to form as a collection of feces around indigestible parts of squid and other prey of the whale.龙涎香是抹香鲸所吞食的乌贼或其它动物的不能被消化部分周围积聚的分泌物。Certain s...


sleeve-fish [ˋsliːvfɪʃ]n. [鱼]乌贼, 鱿鱼


鱿鱼 sleeve-fish 鸭舌 duck tongue 冻豆腐 freeze bean curd 肥牛 fat beef slices 涮羊肉 dip-boiled mutton 粉条 vermicelli 肉丸 meatballs 黄瓜片 cucumber slices 鸭掌 duck web 鲫鱼 gold carp 竹笋 bamboo shoots 冬瓜片 white gourd slices 木耳 agaric 豆芽 bean sprouts 田鸡腿 frog legs 螺...


Tilapia: 罗非鱼 Octopus: 八爪鱼 Squid: 鱿鱼 Cuttlefish: 墨鱼 Sea cucumber: 海参 Shrimp/prawn: 虾 Shrimp: 体积小的虾 Prawn: 体积大的虾 Sand prawns: 基围虾 Tiger prawns: 虎虾 White prawns: 白虾 Spot prawns: 牡丹虾 Striped prawns: 斑节虾 Mantis shrimp: 赖尿虾 Scampi: 鳌虾 ...

各种动物的英语怎么说?如狮子、老虎、犀牛什么的呀 急用~

rabbit兔 elephant象 cat猫 mouse小老鼠 rat大灰鼠 bull公牛 cow母牛 cattle小牛 tiger虎 lion狮 leopard豹 dophin海豚 whale鲸 donkey驴 horse马 zebra斑马 bear熊 pig猪 monkey猴 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 deer鹿 boar野猪 鸟bird rooster公鸡 hen母鸡 chicken小鸡(通指鸡)turkey 火鸡 duck鸭子 goose鹅 sw...


回答:你被炒鱿鱼了 You are fired.


fresh shrimp and squid.我第一个,请给我分!


烤鱿鱼 Broiled Cuttlefish 烤加吉鱼头 TAI-KABUTOYAKI 烤黄狮鱼 Grilled head of Yellowtail 烤三文鱼 Grilled head of salmon 烤茄子 Broiled egg plant with comdiments 烤三文鱼皮 盐烤三文鱼腩 精制小菜 Dishes to Compliment your Choice 煮什锦蔬菜 Stewed Assorted Seasonal Vegetables 煮加吉鱼头...