
I woke up during/in the night.我在晚上醒来。2.当强调整个时间阶段,我们一般用during。如:The shop's closed during the whole of August.(NOT...in the whole of August.)商店在整个8月都关门。3.during表示“事件从开始到结束的整个延续性”,如:He had some strange experiences during ...


people die during famines every year.每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。


Where shall you be during the summer?夏季你们将去哪儿?In summer a lot of people go to seaside.夏季有许多人到海滨去。二、表达的是某一段时间,二者可以通用;是具体时间,则通常要使用in,不用during。例如:He woke up three times during / in the night.他夜里醒了三次。They usually...


During the birth she was given gas and air.她分娩时用了麻醉混合气体。2 I use the Internet at work, during my lunch hour.我上班时在午餐时间使用互联网。3 Many students now have paid employment during term.现在许多学生在上学期间就从事有薪工作。4 I stalled the car three times dur...

in the day和during the day造句

We can see the sun in the day and we can see the moon and the stars at night.白天我们能看到太阳,夜晚我们能看到月亮和星星。During the day, there is enough light.在白天里,有足够的光线.


He had been a teacher, a college president, and a general in the Union army during the Civil War You were supposed to get here during the Reception so no one would know I was gone.请采纳,谢谢

all of a sudden,as during分别是什么意思,并造句?

短语 "all of a sudden" 意味着突然地,作为一个副词,用来强调某个动作或事件出乎意料地发生。例如:"他突然打了我后背一下" (He hit me on the back all of a sudden.) 而 "as during" 并不是一个常见的英语表达,可能是拼写错误或者上下文不完整。如果想表达在某段时间内的动作,通常我们...


He lost two kilograms in weight during his time there.他在那儿的时候体重下降了2公斤。

用during the course of这个词组造句

During the course of study,I accumulate a lot of experience.在学习的过程中,我积累了大量经验.

during the daytime 怎么造句?

意思是在白天,,,造句:We can't see the moon during the daytime