求英语翻译 I have been so occupied with work that I ha

我一直忙于工作,我没有时间去参加社会活动 这很简单啊 建议以后这种可以直接百度翻译 然后 在线翻译 自己整理下句子结构就可以了 金山翻译也不错的 望采纳


I have been busy with work.

英语翻译我整天都忙于工作 ,翻译成英文,?

I am busy working all the day.I am engaged in working all the day.,2,I am busy working all day,2,如果你的整天是特指一天的话:I'm busy with my work for the whole day.如果是泛指每一天都是如此:I'm always busy with my work all day long.,2,I am busy with my job ...


忙于工作 Busy with work 1 喔,就像平常那么忙,忙于工作又忙于持家。Oh,i've been busy as usual,at work and at home.2 当他忙于工作时,他对周围的世界就没有了感觉。When he is busy working,he is lost to the world around him.

“工作很忙”的英语是my work is so busy?错了这么久你还不知道?_百度...

最近工作太忙了。I am busy at work all day. ;     我整天忙于工作。删除 GIF (选填) 图片描述 别人邀请你,你总说很busy,实在是很生硬的拒绝,有时候还会造成误会,误会成你不喜欢他人的邀约,以忙为借口!来试试这几种说法...


be busy working或be busy with work 都可以 祝楼主学业进步


忙于的英语词组有:1.be busy with(或at,about.over) sth.例句:He is always busy with working for his company.他总是为他的公司工作而忙碌着。2.be bound up in sth.例句:I’m bound up in my homework.我正埋头苦坐我的作业。3.go about sth 例句:He has to go about his business...

英语造句 会的来一下 80分 急急急急急急急急急急急急急

我正忙于工作。1. 她把手放在额头上,以表示失望。She gestured her disappointment by laying her hand on her forehead.2. 那次失败令人吃惊,令人失望。That defeat was a surprise and a disappointment.3. 结果使他失望。The result disappointed him.4. 这篇演讲非常令人失望,它回避了所有主要...


忙于工作 Busy with work 重点词汇释义 忙于be busy at [about; over; with]; busy oneself with [at; about


1.I have a lot of work to do today.今天我有很多工作要做 2.I'm busy now.现在我很忙。3.I busied myself (in) cleaning rooms yesterday.昨天我忙于打扫房间。4. I am engaged in my business.我忙于我的生意。5. I am on the job all the time.我一直在工作。6. I am ...