
1.overcome difficulties 克服困难 2.overcome a fear 克服恐惧 3.overcome an obstacle/problem 克服障碍/问题 4.overcome opposition 战胜反对意见 5.overcome by emotion 为情感所压倒 6.overcome by fear 被恐惧吞噬 例句:1.They had to overcome formidable obstacles.他们得克服重重障碍。2...

...we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty_百度...

if we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty翻译:如果我们有一股强大的工作劲头,我们可以战胜一切困难。参考资料:百度知道

Shane and I were overcome【(1.受到…的极大影响)】with laughter 这里...

例如:She was overcome by emotion. 她激动的难以自持。所以您的这句话应该翻译成: Shane和我都禁不住的大笑了起来。

overcome the relief 是什么意思

overcome the relief(大意为)战胜痛苦 楼上的别以为用用搜狗翻译就能骗骗人,你太小儿科了!

求讲解be overcome by

I was overcome by the smell.翻译是我被这个气味熏死了。The troubles was overcome .麻烦被克服了。The night before the test I was overcome by fear and despair.考试的前一晚我被恐惧与绝望困扰着。

英文翻译~ I was overcome with relief

直译:我内心满是宽慰。意译:我心甚慰。解释:be overcome with..是固定搭配,意思是“为...所压倒/制服;受不了...”。be overcome with relief字母上理解为“为宽心/宽慰所压倒/制服”,其意思就是“内心充满了宽慰之情”。参考资料:译海无涯团 ...

Lyndon Baines Johnson: We shall overcome. 句子翻译。

Lyndon Baines Johnson: We shall overcomeLyndon Baines 詹森: 我们将克服 For the cries of pain and hymns and protests of oppressed people have summoned into convocation all the majesty of this great government --- the government of the greatest nation on earth.对于痛苦的哭声和压迫的人...

We found ourselves overcome with feelings of guilt and regret...

overcome这里是过去分词 表示被动 我们已经被内疚和悔恨所击败 就是我们心中充满了内疚和悔恨 with 是被的意思 She was overcome with grief 她极为悲痛(她被悲痛击倒)

He was overcome with sickness after drinking water.OVERCOME在这 ...

痊愈 从病中恢复过来的意思 翻译:他喝了水以后就舒服多了。这里的sickness 不是疾病 是咱们平时说的 难受

hrough trials we learn to overcome. Through Christ our victorie...
