

My first day at Senior High的英语作文

高中的第一天英语作文:Today is my first day at Senior High school. Entering through the school gate, I was amazed at its beautiful scenery. With green trees and different kinds of flowers everywhere, our school looks like a big garden.Then I was happy to find that my new teach...


Today was the first day as a high school student. Before Iwent to school, I was so excited and panic. I was excited because I would startmy high school life. While I was panic was due to the pressure of studying. Withthis feeling, I stepped into my school.今天是我作为高...

以 高中生活的第一天 为题写一篇英语作文作文 100词左右

It is first day of school, and I am excited. I am excited to attain new knowledge. I am excited to obtain new goals.I am excited to meet new friends, and I am excited to see fresh faces, and beautiful girls.The school was great, The big front door, the beautiful girls...

高一英语作文:my first day at senior high?

今天是我升入高中的第一天,现在我就写写我这一天的感想。My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.我的新学校很好,理由如下:老师们非常热情、友好,而且教室很棒。Every room has a computer with a ...





写一篇关于高中第一天的英语作文 1 学校的基本情况 2 第一天你想做什么...

everyone.I want to make new friends now since nothing is familiar to me and friends will make it easir.High school apears to be really hard work but I have the confidence and will do my best to win compliments. No pains no gains ,I hope that my furture will be colorful.

初三毕业生到新高中第一天的感受 英语作文

The first day of high school life,I have some thoughts and feelings.The passage of time can always give people some special things.In the new environment,I feel a bit excited.Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains.In the next three years,we ...


The first day of my high school life The first day of high school life,I have some thoughts and feelings.The passage of time can always give people some special things.In the new environment,I feel a bit excited.Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my ...