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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 23:37



热心网友 时间:2024-05-26 02:29

Offset paper and coated paper test the whiteness, smoothness and absorbency and other parameters, and different combination of print density and dot percentage of tristimulus values, through the MATLAB mathematical analysis software to analyze performance and color copy paper effect relationship between varying network density curve, quadratic equation and the color diagram. Paper properties obtained with different density and color print order coordinate mediation between. Accordingly, the data predict the density and color reproction quality, identify suitable for different packaging printing paper, for paper selection and parameter setting of paper

热心网友 时间:2024-05-26 02:29

Offset paper and coated paper test the whiteness, smoothness and absorbency and other parameters, and different combination of print density and dot percentage of tristimulus values, through the MATLAB mathematical analysis software to analyze performance and color copy paper effect relationship between varying network density curve, quadratic equations and color diagrams. Paper properties obtained with different density and color print order coordinate mediation between. Accordingly, the data predict the density and color reproction quality, determine for different packaging printing paper, for paper selection and parameter setting of paper.
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