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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 23:37



热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 02:10

If the pu song-ling elegy "in with the", "a grave for", "February 13,-my wife disease", "liu line of real", "(with the inside) and", "rhyme", "26, SunLiDe don't forget ancestors Bi ChuDu, to worship the wei, and wail because of the spirit", and so on. These poems he tells the story of his wife's death he to his wife thoughts, such as "the inside with the" first sentence "since married for Lou difficult in guizhou, GuPin crow, the number of children" expressed in his wife her gratitude and guilt; "A grave as" "the clearing where you, today no one; Qin Chou you empty the tomb, no; there you set Chen water element, scattered without after deposit; abandoned ShuSu ye, such as throwing the storage st" this sentence is bbed the wife several after the death of the situation that much transformed capable show incisively and vividly

热心网友 时间:2024-02-17 02:10

If the pu song-ling elegy "in with the", "a grave for", "February 13,-my wife disease", "liu line of real", "(with the inside) and", "rhyme", "26, SunLiDe don't forget ancestors Bi ChuDu, to worship the wei, and wail because of the spirit", and so on. These poems he tells the story of his wife's death he to his wife thoughts, such as "the inside with the" first sentence "since married for Lou difficult in guizhou, GuPin crow, the number of children" expressed in his wife her gratitude and guilt; "A grave as" "the clearing where you, today no one; Qin Chou you empty the tomb, no; there you set Chen water element, scattered without after deposit; abandoned ShuSu ye, such as throwing the storage st" this sentence is bbed the wife several after the death of the situation that much transformed capable performance as dripping wet
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