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talk about the science英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 17:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 00:39


Science is everywhere in life, we should also use science in life. If you want to apply science to your life, the first step is to learn science. We should not only learn the knowledge in class, but also accumulate more knowledge outside the classroom.

Because science is a very wide area, so to learn a lot of knowledge, so much knowledge how to do? Which brings us to the next step: using science.

The most important step is to apply science in different ways: the inventors in the TV show I Love To Invent that I watched all took what they had learned and applied it to their inventions.

They save a lot of work time and improve work efficiency through the achievements of invention and creation. At the same time, none of them can directly succeed in invention and creation. They all sum up experience again after repeated failures, find out the cause of the problem, and keep trying again and again until they succeed.

This also tells us that science is also tested by practice. We must be sponges now, learning and absorbing scientific knowledge so that we can apply what we have learned to our work and life in the future.

In the future, I also want to study hard, for grow up to be able to do a learnable talent. My dream is to be an architectural designer when I grow up. I want to build a modern high-tech house, which not only has a comfortable and convenient environment inside, but also has many other functions on the exterior.

You can walk or fly, for example, but you can't build a house like that without scientific knowledge. So science is the prerequisite for creating everything, and it is also the foundation of our modern life.

When learning to use science, we should love this "wonderful" friend from the heart, just like a good friend, every day to "read" about his books, usually learn his "strong points", make up their own shortcomings. Only with abundant scientific knowledge can we create more beautiful things.

The classmates! Come on! Now we begin to work hard, swim in the ocean of scientific knowledge, do a happy Spongebob, absorb more, later for the prosperity of the motherland to do their own force!










热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 00:40

It's not easy to prepare for a job interview,especially for people like me who doesn't know much stuff.But I will try and you can try.You need to dress up not like a cheezy pimp but more of a lady,be more classic and not carry a backpack.You will need to polish your shoes and dresses and clean up your face and brush your teeth.Then just show up and demand for a job,with a threatening way.I am sure you will get the job.
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