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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 17:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 00:39












热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 00:39

Science is the study of seeking to understand natural phenomena through repeated observations and experiments Everything in the world has to do with science. There are many ways we could learn science. For example, it can be learn through our own observation of problems. we might not know, but its sciences. This is called scientific mathod. To really improve science, we should just not learn it , but to experiment it because science existed e to the succeessful discovery of other sciencetists, which they found by doing experiments. Therefore, the best way of learning science is by testing it ourselve.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 00:40

Graphics can not be separated from the study of science, material science, such as mechanical design, electromagnetics knowledge of the complex circuit design, geological sciences in the topographic map, weather maps, life sciences in the human body chart, a variety of plants or animals, such as chart Are mainly relying on the "graphic language" to the statement. Knowledge of the systematic analysis of the ideas to solve problems and other issues, usually with the sense of language or words are limited and inefficient. Therefore, in accordance with the scientific method hands-on drawing or diagram in mind is an important method to study science, but also in the future to further study modern science and technology is of great significance. In junior high school science classes, students will learn a lot of useful charts. "Scientific" knowledge and drawing the map consists mainly of two parts: drawing, part of the title belongs to the type of mapping, for example, the road map for light, the icon for power, the arm of force for the circuit diagram, as well as painting and so on; the other part, according to the off-the-shelf The Institute of Graphic map know that the so-called knowledge map is simply more attention to the conditions combined with the pictures, according to the understanding of memory and will not be complete map of biological, geological maps, and so on Tiantu complete. For example, when calculating the exercise of the circuit, the circuit has been given out is often difficult to analyze in series, parallel or hybrid, if skillfully to the picture given by the circuit into the equivalent circuit diagram, it would be easier See the connection characteristics of the circuit, so that the problems immediately.
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