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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 21:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 08:13

Along with the development of the market economy and change with each passing day in the information, the traditional communication method has already can't satisfy again the people's need to the information, among them, a speech of star advertisement is a kind of more familiar advertisement form.The star advertisement is to pass a deeply popular, living and true of star convert the content and cognitions of that icy cold proct, the nature draw on the consumer very easily, but in its ctual operation process, usually will appear thus so of problem, this text will inquiry into the success or failure of the star advertisement and it ask the place, and fail the problem to set out from a speech of star, to an analysis for correspond.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 08:13

With the development of the market economy and the rapid changes in information, the traditional means of communication can no longer satisfy people's information needs, and which advertising is a kind of star endorsement of the more common forms of advertising. Star advertising is through a popular, lively and true to the star proct of the cold into the meaning and cognition, are naturally very easy to attract consumers, but its actual operation, such as often the problem, this article will explore the Ad-Star and asked where the success or failure, and speak from the star point of failure problem, the corresponding analysis.
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