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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 21:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 08:13

I am imagining to the future living environment of high-rise buildings and accompanied by the shadows of trees, wide roads and green grass by their side, lakes and mountains silhouetted against the bright lights of the city. When people can walk in the woodland paths, listen to the birds singing in their spare time; or sit quietly to enjoy the brilliant sunset on the balcony of their homes, a beautiful blue sky, white clouds, fresh water, presented in front of their green homes , How wonderful scenery that would be!
However, e to excessive human development, the beautiful nature is being destroyed continuously. It is difficult to imagine in the near future, the Earth will be like a movie "Wall-E" as a large junk ball floating in space, harsh climate and environment, even now those lovely living animals will be extinct. They will be destroyed because of that. And Earth will finally become a lifeless place. Therefore, we must start now, starting with ourselves, cherish, care about our living environment. In the same time with developing, we must focus on environmental protection and rational utilization. Let us all go to work together right now for the sake of our homes


热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 08:13

I look forward to the future living environment is the tall buildings and trees together, highways and green grass together, a landscape of lakes and mountains silhouetted against the resplendent with variegated coloration of our city. When the people of leisure, walking in the woods, listen to the birds singing; or sit in the balcony of my house to enjoy the beautiful sunset, there is blue sky, white clouds, clear water, green beautiful homes, that will be a what kind of picture!

But, now e to human over-exploitation, continue to destroy nature. It is hard to imagine the earth in the near future will be like the movie" Wall E" in, be floating in space in a large garbage ball, weather conditions, even now, the lovely animal, also will be extinct. Finally the plunge the people into misery and suffering. Therefore, we must start from the present, begin from me, cherish, cherish our living environment, in the development at the same time, pay attention to environment protection and reasonable use, to our homes, let us work hard together!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 08:14

I look forward to the future living environment for high-rise buildings and tree-lined accompanied by wide roads and green grass dependencies, lakes and mountains silhouetted against the bright lights of the city. When people's spare time, walk in the woods road, whisper to listen to the birds singing; or sit quietly to enjoy the brilliant sunset on the balcony of the home, presented in front of a beautiful blue sky, white clouds, green water, green home , it would be a what kind of scene!
However, e to excessive human development continue to destroy nature. It is difficult to imagine in the near future, the Earth will be like a movie "Wall-E" as a large junk ball floating in space, harsh climate and environment, even now those lovely animals will be extinction. The last Earth loss of life. Therefore, we must start now, starting with me, cherish, cherish our living environment, development, focusing on environmental protection and rational utilization, for our homes, let us all work together

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 08:14

I look forward to the future living environment for high-rise buildings and tree-lined accompanied by wide roads and green grass dependencies, lakes and mountains silhouetted against the bright lights of the city. When people's spare time, walk in the woods road, whisper to listen to the birds singing; or sit quietly to enjoy the brilliant sunset on the balcony of the home, presented in front of a beautiful blue sky, white clouds, green water, green home , it would be a what kind of scene!
However, e to excessive human development continue to destroy nature. It is difficult to imagine in the near future, the Earth will be like a movie "Wall-E" as a large junk ball floating in space, harsh climate and environment, even now those lovely animals will be extinction. The last Earth loss of life. Therefore, we must start now, starting with me, cherish, cherish our living environment, development, focusing on environmental protection and rational utilization, for our homes, let us all work together I look forward to the future living environment is the tall buildings and trees together, highways and green grass together, a landscape of lakes and mountains silhouetted against the resplendent with variegated coloration of our city. When the people of leisure, walking in the woods, listen to the birds singing; or sit in the balcony of my house to enjoy the beautiful sunset, there is blue sky, white clouds, clear water, green beautiful homes, that will be a what kind of picture!

But, now e to human over-exploitation, continue to destroy nature. It is hard to imagine the earth in the near future will be like the movie" Wall E" in, be floating in space in a large garbage ball, weather conditions, even now, the lovely animal, also will be extinct. Finally the plunge the people into misery and suffering. Therefore, we must start from the present, begin from me, cherish, cherish our living environment, in the development at the same time, pay attention to environment protection and reasonable use, to our homes, let us work hard together!
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