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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 20:49



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 15:30

We feel more honor address a letter to to you, and make our business circumstance and profession accomplishment toward you to make collective report in brief, hope it can know to understand us to have a help to promote each other to you of cooperation.The company limits a company headquarters in Peking, because the business expands, we set up a branch in Shanghai, Xiamen, Shenzhen.

Business scope and specialty realm:
?Exhibit a demonstration design, create and to exhibition pedestal of special packing;
?Meeting and promote sales the plan of activity and create;
? Lettering, exhibition hall, monopoly store, apartment and interior design, creation;
? The diagram text picture creation;
?The audio-visual stereo set leases;
?The engineering item manages, plan.
In the past work, my company has been insisting to provide high quality, being satisfied with a thoughtful service.Is exactly continuously creative, progress unremittingly, stand on the professional spirit of[with] customer's position forever, my company success of keep a close cooperation with numerous customers.
Our works method is vivid active, respond speed fast valid, we match with customer actively, we make use of to belong to customer oneself the satisfied and comfortable cooperation method carries on a design for the customer, we have been standing on the customer's angle to consider in this top.When you need us to serve, please contact us at any time.Can provide our professional special featureses for you, use in aid of you and cooperate with you, that will be we the biggest honor.
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