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毕业设计 英文摘要 求翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 18:36



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 01:17

The laser clean is an instry clean technology principle revolution, it has the superiority which the traditional clean technology is unable to compare, in recent years obtained the rapid development. Laser's main feature is the output is big, the energy conversion efficiency is high, the output wavelength happen to is in the atmospheric window. Therefore, carries on the laser clean with the laser to have the good effect. This article introced laser's basic principle and the classification, have carried on the analysis emphatically to the laser clean principle. Including laser characteristic, laser clean characteristic, particle and substrate surface adhesion: Vander Var Silag, capillary force, electrostatic force, dry laser clean and fluid film laser clean mechanism analysis and influencing factor, laser clean wave length choice, exposure time computation and work efficiency enhancement. This article also introced carries on the clean experiment with the laser, including escapes the paint, the stain removal, to eliminate the pollutant and the oxide compound goes to the adhesive resium and the oil wu and so on. The result indicated that has the very good effect with the laser clean smooth basis surface dirt grain, will be later cleans the technological development a direction
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