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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 19:28



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 13:39

I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could dece it from general principles.
  Nearly all the sports practiced nowadays are competitive.You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused.Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this.At the international level, sport is frankly mimic warfare.But the significant thing is not the behavior of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe --- at any rate for short periods --- that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 13:40

什么是Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (NLM)的缩 ... 医学工作者的因特网内容简介 2002年的一篇文章英文摘要被《医学文献联机数据库》(MEDLINE)收录,是否... 医学器具medline啥意思 民国市与县的关系是怎样的,市与县分别又是什么? 历代兵制中国民国兵制 冰箱运行时有水流声怎么回事? ud牛郎眼影真假判断 爆闪/没有平替❌ 牛郎眼影真假鉴别方法 鉴别❗️衰败城市牛郎眼影真假,粉质肉眼差距 《华娱渣男》最新章节全文阅读免费下载百度网盘资源,谁有? 求《华娱渣男》全本txt完结小说,谢谢~ html5中的audio音乐默认播放与手机类型有关系吗? 罗望子的功效 “cue你”是什么意思??? 这个月大姨妈提前5天来了 月经提前5天有血块怎么回事 是不是大姨妈的前5天后4天就是安全期 每个月大姨妈都提前5天,这正常吗 我这两个月大姨妈提前5天正常吗? 月经来的前五天和后五天到底是安全期还是危险期? 四川废铁价格 基因载体 基因工程常用载体有:()DNA、()DNA、()DNA 基因载体有哪些 求高手!!怎样查废钢铁每日行情,知道的告诉了,感谢,加分 废钢行情? 废钢行情现在什么价位 常用的基因载体 在基因工程中常用做基因载体的是什么? 热得利水龙头如何,传承欧洲简约唯美主义精华 哪种水龙头质量好? 搜集孔子的名言? 孔子都有哪些名言? 请问怎样查阅英文文献?(医学) 搜孔子的名言 周杰伦你说的我说的是什么歌 求找一首歌名,歌词中有(你说的 我说的),每三个字是一句,求歌曲名! 哪首歌里的歌词有,你说的我说的我都会记得 表示你说你的我说我的,打一个成语。 莱阳市康乐老年公寓怎么样? 你说你的我说我的的歌词 明园康乐(中国)国际老年度假村在哪里 你说的我说的我都愿意去是什么歌 以“你说,我说,他说”为题写一篇800字的作文,体裁不限,文体不限 从担山到康乐老年公寓做几路公交车 什么歌词里 有你说你的我说的大家都不要认输? 北京龙兴康乐家园老年服务中心怎么样? 情侣之间你说的我不懂 我说的你不懂 康乐老年公寓康馨楼怎么样