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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 04:55



热心网友 时间:2023-06-22 01:32

1. 保持简短:估计有 70% 的电子邮件是在移动设备上阅读的,因此请保持简短并快速切入主题。

2. 时间很重要: 在白天的正确时间发送,不要在周末或下班后发送。在发送后续电子邮件之前等待两到三天(除非需要尽快回复)。

3. 个性化:虽然电子邮件后续模板(例如下面提供的模板)是一个很好的起点,但应该个性化的电子邮件以建立更牢固的联系。

4. 包括时间安排:如果需要回复,请明确说明日期和时间。如果向客户索取信息,请准确告诉他们需要什么以及何时需要。不要忘记告诉他们将如何处理这些数据。

5. 着眼于未来:不回复无需解释;关注未来的关系。


Subject line: Following up on my proposal

Dear R,

I am following up on the proposal that I sent to you on 12 September.

If you have any questions about the proposal or discuss any aspects of it, please get in touch. I can provide any additional detail or supporting information that can support you in making a decision

Please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting. I'm looking forward to working with you in the future.

Yours sincerely,



Subject line: Following up on quotation (reference)

Dear R,

I am following up on the quotation that I sent to you on 12 September.

If you have any questions about the quotation and payment schele or would like to discuss any aspect of the proposal, please feel free to contact me at any point

I await your reply.

Yours sincerely,



Subject line: Unpaid invoice (reference number)

Dear R,

I am contacting you about the invoice (insert details) I sent to you on 12 September. The invoice is currently overe for payment.

Please can you advise me when we can expect to receive payment? If you are experiencing problems with paying this invoice, please get in touch with me immediately.

I await your reply.

Yours sincerely,



Subject line: Information required

Dear R,

I am contacting you to follow up on an email I sent on 12 September.

I'm unable to make any progress until I receive your reply. If there's likely to be a delay in providing me with the information I need, do let me know, and I can make alternative arrangements.

Yours sincerely,



Subject line: Just checking in…

Dear R,

I am contacting you to follow up on an email I sent on 12 September.

I know you're busy at the moment, but I feel that working together could benefit us both. You'll find all the information you need about us in the last email. After you've checked it out, you can contact me here to set up a call or a meeting.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me at any point.

Yours sincerely,


6)开会后跟进 Subject line: Meeting follow-up

Dear R,

I'm contacting you to share my contact details after our meeting.

It was great to meet you and learn more about you and your organization. I'm looking forward to working together in the future.

If you have any questions about my role or organization, feel free to contact me at any point.

Yours sincerely,



Subject line: Catching up

Dear R,

I'm currently contacting old clients and customers that we haven't spoken to in a while.

We enjoyed working with you and your organization. We are interested in learning if there are any current or planned projects we may be suitable for?

I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you. On a call or in a meeting, I can share some exciting new developments in our business that may benefit you.

You can contact me here to set up a call or a meeting. I'm looking forward to chatting with you.

Yours sincerely,


1. 保持简短:估计有 70% 的电子邮件是在移动设备上阅读的,因此请保持简短并快速切入主题。2. 时间很重要: 在白天的正确时间发送,不要在周末或下班后发送。在发送后续电子邮件之前等待两到三天(除非需要尽快回复)。3. 个性化:虽然电子邮件后续模板(例如下面提供的模板)是一个很好的起点,但应该...




广交会后跟进客户的英文邮件范文如下:范文一:Dear(客户姓名),It was great to meet you at the Canton Fair last week. I hope you enjoyed your time in Guangzhou and were able to make some valuable connections. As we discussed during our meeting, I want to follow up with you abou...


3,收邮件的人不是公司决策者 如:Dear,Thank you! I received your email and I sent it to our outsourcing manager. He didn’t tell me anything just now. I will contact you soon once got any news.跟进技巧:对于这种客户,我们尽量要做到热情,让其有被尊重的感觉,同时要提醒他及时...

外贸案例 | 被客户已读不回,重新建立联系的5封邮件

首先,业务员要根据所掌握的客户信息及业务内容,认真分析客户的具体情况,仔细研判是否继续跟这个客户合作。其次,要确认是否是目标客户,有了确切的结果后, 可以通过拟写以下有针对性的5封邮件,得以恢复与买家/进口商的联络,获取重启合作的机会。1. 常规跟进 Dear ××,Hope this email finds you w...



外国客户订单后跟进邮件,货物已经出了 ,想写封邮件询问是否收到货,有...

Dear Sir,How is everything going in your part? Hope everything goes well.Here, I am writing to confirm have you receive the goods? Is there any problem with the goods? Any questions ple let me know, thank you.


E-mail: xxx@163.com Website:xxx.en.alibaba.com%2F (6.13 KB, 下载次数: 8)半小时前 上传 点击文件名下载附件 初次回复 Dear Ms. Jane Lee,Thank you for your inquiry dated XXX and your visit our web site from which we find you are interested in our 2-0125*7-1026-Women's...




跟进 [词典] follow-up;[例句]组织和跟进人力资源计划,进行绩效评估;Organize and follow up human resources projects, conduct performance evaluation;


We have sent you our quotation yet.And have no idea about this issue now. Please feel free to contact me any time.The sent quotation has some mistakes about the port of destination,we have amended and sent.and no change about the price.时间太紧急,翻译太匆忙,希望有帮助 ...

跟进客户邮件怎么写 跟进邮件主题怎么写 客户不回邮件怎么跟进 邮件跟进怎么吸引人 国外客户不回邮件怎么跟进 跟进措施怎么写 跟进计划怎么写 客户跟进记录怎么写 家访跟进措施怎么写
...90千瓦星角起动.60千瓦小容量电机和照明.请问用多大的铝芯线合适... ...星、三角起动,需截面多大的主线和电机负荷线,最好有计公式 梦见有人不断说我是魂古命的人 手相有田字纹代表什么,会越来越富的女人手相 ...旁边有活水流出!同时还梦见一个道士给看手相说过一阵运气就会好,今... 王者荣耀新英雄影如何获得 王者新英雄影怎么获得 说话中气不足锻炼方法 ...里面的油,可以用吸油管子吸出来吗?小车,凯美瑞。不知道有防盗网吗... qq密码忘记我输入现在的qq密码为什么出现以前的qq号呢我想 如何跟进客户?大家的邮件都是怎么写的啊? 外贸中,客户老是不回信怎么跟进? 给客户发了邮件没回怎么跟进客户 如何利用邮件有效跟进客户 如何有效的跟进客户邮件 步步高手机最大的内存都有多少的,价格都是多少钱? 查一下步步高x5手机的价钱 步步高手机有32个G的吗?啥价格啊 步步高的手机一般什么价位? 成年男女一月几次性生活是正常的 男女性生活怎么做 男女性生活 男女朋友之间大家可以发生,像结婚后才可以做的性... 对男女那方面的事不太懂,怎么样办? 男女发生性关系 未满16周岁看了男女之间的事情,对以后有影响吗? 原始人性生活电影,猿人男女生活怎么过,原始人性生活 如今中国和美国男女第一次性经历平均几岁 四十多岁的男女夫妻如何过性生活 中国男女性生活时有没有男人亲女人下身和屁眼的? 如何跟踪客户 外贸函电 我是做外贸的,每次给客户回了邮件,都没了下文了... 客户不回复邮件要怎么跟进? 外贸业务员如何跟进客户邮件?报过去价格,没有回音 外贸行业报价后怎么跟进客户的邮件怎么写 外贸中 客户老是不回信怎么跟进 客户收到货物后,怎样写邮件跟进,或者询问销售情况 回盘过后如何写邮件跟进? [转]如何跟进客户 发邮件如何跟进日本客户-----日语,大家一起交流吧 给客户报价后该怎么跟进? 发邮件跟踪老客户该怎么写 零基础的可以用哪个软件制作纯文字切换视频? 小白如何制作文字翻转动画视频? 怎么将纯文字变成视频,可以用什么工具做? 纯文字变换的视频怎么做的?用哪个工具操作简便易用? 抖音里那种文字切换字幕效果用什么做的? 用哪个软件可以做出文字转动视频的效果? 想制作个旋转文字视频,用哪款软件可以简单操作? 文字可以转换成视频格式吗