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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 12:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 10:33










Plastic disadvantage

1, recycling of plastic waste, the classification is very difficult, but the economy viable.

2, plastic easy combustion, proce toxic gases when burned.

3, plastic is a proct made from petroleum refining, and oil resources are limited.

【】 Harm caused by plastic

As early as the mid-60s, it was found in PVC resial vinyl chloride monomer, can cause melting of the former phalangeal known as "acral osteolysis syndrome" of the disease. Engaged in manufacturing PVC resin workers often appear finger numbness, tingling in the so-called Ericerus disease (Raynaud's syndrome). When people contact with vinyl chloride monomer will happen after the fingers, wrist, facial swelling, skin thickening, variable stiff and lose flexibility and grip strength should not matter the skin sclerosis, as well as the population is splenomegaly, stomach and esophageal varices tumor, liver injury, portal pressure等症hyperfunction. 70s and then in a number of polyvinyl chloride proction plant, we found it was suffering from a rare liver cancer - liver angiosarcoma. Since then the instry as far as possible control celecoxib Although PVC resin in the monomer content, but not completely resolved, it is in the United States first proposed in 1975 prohibiting the use of PVC packaging food and beverages.

Because of plastic procts in animals can not be digested and broken down so that after the incorrect use can cause stomach discomfort, abnormal operations, fertility decline in reproctive capacity, or even death. Some of our country such as the zoo animals on the incorrect use of visitors had discarded plastic food bag to death the unfortunate incident.

1970 to 1987, the people of the Pacific Ocean investigate the amount of 543 white large seabird Procellariiformes, because they are hard plastic and seaweed, in which 458 has the stomach to find plastic items, turtles also have the stomach.

Fields of waste plastic sheeting, plastic bags, such as the incorrect use of the same will cause livestock deaths e to anorexia. In addition, when their long-term resie in the farmland, the soil will affect permeability and impede water flow and crop root development, but also winding machinery, the impact of field operations, the long run can affect the deep soil, the soil degradation of the environment, thereby threat to human survival.

Discarded plastic on marine pollution has become an international problem. Marine floating polystyrene foam materials 22%, 23% other plastics. These discarded plastics will not only haunt the vessel propeller, hull and machinery damage caused by the accident and stopped, causing significant losses to shipping, and each removal of 1 ton of garbage in the sea should go clear the land 10 times the cost of trash. Hong Kong in 1995 for salvage 4765.6 tons of garbage in the sea, costing 12 million Hong Kong dollar.

Thermosetting plastics will seriously pollute the environment. For example, glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) made of small and medium-sized hull, when once they scrapped it is hard to deal with. In Japan each year about 3000 of such abandoned hulk shore in Hong Kong not only affects the visual impact and the impact of fisheries, coastal areas in Japan a major public hazard.

Burning plastic will release poisonous gas dioxin, which includes 210 kinds of compounds. Its toxicity is very large, are 130 times more cyanide, arsenic 900 times, the "century

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 10:33

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