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请哪位英语大神帮忙翻译一下。我是个英语学渣,求大神帮忙~~ 用翻译器的就算了。翻译器各种不靠谱!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 07:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 18:49

I was in China studying at Beijing University of Technology School of Information Engineering, computer science experiments. In the freshman school Sino-French cooperation project I voluntarily reported the name, in addition to the French romantic and elegant impression left me, but I also know that information in France in the international engineering ecation is a very leading, learning computer technology I even aspire to constantly replenish yourself in France. Also very much hope that through their own understanding of the days spent in France French culture, to pay more foreign friends.

Because it is a cooperative project between schools, so they requested that we read in the domestic three-year undergraate courses, go to French school after three years, of which the first year undergraate, is to study a second year, the second year is Kenji. Three years studying abroad, I will continue to learn the original professional computer science and technology.

In France, after I finished graate or intend to return to work in South Korea. Because the current situation in Korea can be considered software technology in the world's leading, so I think in Korea may accumulate more work experience and life experience. Or back home in a foreign company to find a software-related work. Because China's population is large, there is a big opportunity. I believe that if you work hard, but also to get the appropriate return.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 18:49

I majored at Computer Science in Information Engineering Department of The Pilot College of Beijing University of Technology. I volunteered to participate in a Sino-French cooperation project when I was a freshman in college. I was expressed by the romance and elegance France left on me, in the meantime, I also knew that its information engineering ecation is leading in the world. This made me more yearn that I could enrich myself in France. Also, I hope I can know about French culture and make more foreign friends there.
As it is a coperation project between colleges, we are required to finish our three years' courses in China, and then we will study for another three years in French, which includes undergraate course in the first year,postgraate course 1 & 2 in the following two years. I will continue to study Computer Science and Technology abroad.
I plan to work in China or South Korea after I finish postgraate courses in France, because South Korea is playing a leading role in software technology area. I think I may accumulate more working and life experience there; as China has a large population and a great deal of challenges, going back to China and finding a software-related work in a foreign company is another choice for me.I believe that we can get corresponding returns as long as we work hard.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 18:50

其实这个问题我不会翻译,本来不想回答的,但看到楼下的第一句就忍不住吐槽一下,I was ?are you 确定?楼主是要留学吗?这个投机取巧可不好啊,要不你就请教学长学姐老师,要不就坦白不会写可不可以请人翻译。网上有专门翻译的网站,有真人翻译,质量保障,当然是收费的。祝楼主好运吧*^_^*追问那麻烦推荐个真人翻译的网站吧~~

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