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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 09:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 07:40

Privacy and taboo involves refinement principle of politeness principle.

English and Chinese on the foul language and have corresponding expressions, have euphemism on death, sex and excretion of expression.

Britain and the United States and other western countries and the han nationality, however, because of different cultural background, on the use of private language still exist certain differences.

Taboo language as a social cultural phenomenon, its emergence, existence and continuation of a clear historical and social cultural roots, such as Chinese and western in religious, racial discrimination, sexism, curse and profane, and even diet, there are many taboo language, the difference between them is obvious.

Such as in the oral English appellation from formal to literally have a lot of ways, but if only call name, like Chinese is wrong.

The "old" in Chinese, "xiao li" or "week" is acceptable, and very popular, but only for a few kinds of things in English, such as: coach for the players, the prison guard on the prisoners.

如果把“老”(old,senor, elderly)用于英语中来称呼年长的人也是不妥的。
If the "old" (old, senor, elderly) used in English to describe older people is wrong.

In the values of western culture, the "old" is not known, but that is "no use".

Chinese people everywhere when association and grandmather's virtue, but the British and American people expressing their old, is a kind of offense, I'm afraid.

(李悦娥,范宏雅 1998)Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don' t get tired.这句话在西方人的理解是认为他年纪大了,不中用了,而需要别人的照顾。
(those Fan Hongya 1998) both Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don 't get tired. It is the understanding of the westerners think he was too old, not used, and need someone to take care of.

The same situation, e to the different Chinese and western culture, will not be able to apply the expression of Chinese style.

例如:看见外国朋友好像生病了,就不能按中国传统的方式来问:“Are you ill?”
For example: see foreign friends like ill, can according to the traditional Chinese way to ask: "Are you ill?"

, this will let people embarrassed, still can hurt people's self-esteem, because we asked healthy tone tactful, sincere enough.

可以这样说:“You look rather pale. Are you allright?”
Can say this: "You look rather pale. Are You allright?"

,“You seem tired, are you OK?”
, "You seem tired, You OK?"


有的人在发现人家有病时,还会说:“You should go and see the doctor.”或者“You should go to the pharmacyand buy some medicine.”殊不知,这样带有劝告性的话会令他人不高兴,除非人家明确要求你给予这方面的建议,否则是极不礼貌的,他们会认为你在侮辱他们,因为你认为他们没有判断能力,连这么小的事情也要别人来给予劝告。
When some people found somebody else sick, would have said: "You should go and see the doctor." or "You should go to the pharmacyand buy some medicine." but, with that advice sex words will make others unhappy, unless somebody else specifically asks You to give this advice, it is very polite, they will think You are insulting them, because You think they have no judgment, even such a small thing to someone else to give advice.

In China, an acquaintance or between first met one can ask about age, salary, weight, marriage, religion, political tendency and other private topic, and British and American people is very taboo to talk about these topics, not ask somebody else, even asked the somebody else, somebody else also have nothing to say, they just talk about some easy topic, such as: the weather, sports, work, hobbies, place etc.

Because of the traditional habits or social customs, should avoid to use will cause strong dislike each other's words.

例如:应该用pass away代替die;
For example, should pass away instead of die;

Substitute empresa said elderlypeople;

Replace with plain ugly;

用farmer表示代替peasant,peasant (这两个单词在英语中的内涵意义是没有受过教育、举止粗鲁、思想狭隘的人)。
Farmer said instead of peasant, peasant (connotations of these two words in English is with no ecation, be rude, such narrow mind).

Understand these with a particular cultural meanings of words, can avoid to use similar words bring unhappiness.

Avoid culture shock (CultureShock).

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 07:40

Privacy and taboo involves refinement principle of politeness
principle. English and Chinese on the foul language and have corresponding
expressions, have euphemism on death, sex and excretion of expression. Britain
and the United States and other western countries and the han nationality,
however, because of different cultural background, on the use of private
language still exist certain differences. Taboo language as a social cultural
phenomenon, its emergence, existence and continuation of a clear historical and
social cultural roots, such as Chinese and western in religious, racial
discrimination, sexism, curse and profane, and even diet, there are many taboo
language, the difference between them is obvious. Such as in the oral English
appellation from formal to literally have a lot of ways, but if only call name,
like Chinese is wrong. The "old" in Chinese, "xiao li" or "week" is acceptable,
and very popular, but only for a few kinds of things in English, such as: coach
for the players, the prison guard on the prisoners. If the "old" (old, senor,
elderly) used in English to describe older people is wrong. In the values of
western culture, the "old" is not known, but that is "no use". Chinese people
everywhere when association and grandmather's virtue, but the British and
American people expressing their old, is a kind of offense, I'm afraid. (those
Fan Hongya 1998) both Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don 't get tired.
It is the understanding of the westerners think he was too old, not used, and
need someone to take care of. The same situation, e to the different Chinese
and western culture, will not be able to apply the expression of Chinese style.
For example: see foreign friends like ill, can according to the traditional
Chinese way to ask: "Are you ill?" , this will let people embarrassed, still can
hurt people's self-esteem, because we asked healthy tone tactful, sincere
enough. Can say this: "You look rather pale. Are You allright?" , "You seem
tired, You OK?" . When some people found somebody else sick, would have said:
"You should go and see the doctor." or "You should go to the pharmacyand buy
some medicine." but, with that advice sex words will make others unhappy, unless
somebody else specifically asks You to give this advice, it is very polite, they
will think You are insulting them, because You think they have no judgment, even
such a small thing to someone else to give advice. In China, an acquaintance or
between first met one can ask about age, salary, weight, marriage, religion,
political tendency and other private topic, and British and American people is
very taboo to talk about these topics, not ask somebody else, even asked the
somebody else, somebody else also have nothing to say, they just talk about some
easy topic, such as: the weather, sports, work, hobbies, place etc.

Because of the traditional habits or social customs, should avoid
to use will cause strong dislike each other's words. For example, should pass
away instead of die; Substitute empresa said elderlypeople; Replace with plain
ugly; Farmer said instead of peasant, peasant (connotations of these two words
in English is with no ecation, be rude, such narrow mind). Understand these
with a particular cultural meanings of words, can avoid to use similar words
bring unhappiness. Avoid culture shock (CultureShock).

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 07:41

Privacy and taboo involves refinement principle of politeness principle. English and Chinese on the foul language and have corresponding expressions, have euphemism on death, sex and excretion of expression. Britain and the United States and other western countries and the han nationality, however, because of different cultural background, on the use of private language still exist certain differences. Taboo language as a social cultural phenomenon, its emergence, existence and continuation of a clear historical and social cultural roots, such as Chinese and western in religious, racial discrimination, sexism, curse and profane, and even diet, there are many taboo language, the difference between them is obvious. Such as in the oral English appellation from formal to literally have a lot of ways, but if only call name, like Chinese is wrong. The "old" in Chinese, "xiao li" or "week" is acceptable, and very popular, but only for a few kinds of things in English, such as: coach for the players, the prison guard on the prisoners. If the "old" (old, senor, elderly) used in English to describe older people is wrong. In the values of western culture, the "old" is not known, but that is "no use". Chinese people everywhere when association and grandmather's virtue, but the British and American people expressing their old, is a kind of offense, I'm afraid. (those Fan Hongya 1998) both Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don 't get tired. It is the understanding of the westerners think he was too old, not used, and need someone to take care of. The same situation, e to the different Chinese and western culture, will not be able to apply the expression of Chinese style. For example: see foreign friends like ill, can according to the traditional Chinese way to ask: "Are you ill?" , this will let people embarrassed, still can hurt people's self-esteem, because we asked healthy tone tactful, sincere enough. Can say this: "You look rather pale. Are You allright?" , "You seem tired, You OK?" . When some people found somebody else sick, would have said: "You should go and see the doctor." or "You should go to the pharmacyand buy some medicine." but, with that advice sex words will make others unhappy, unless somebody else specifically asks You to give this advice, it is very polite, they will think You are insulting them, because You think they have no judgment, even such a small thing to someone else to give advice. In China, an acquaintance or between first met one can ask about age, salary, weight, marriage, religion, political tendency and other private topic, and British and American people is very taboo to talk about these topics, not ask somebody else, even asked the somebody else, somebody else also have nothing to say, they just talk about some easy topic, such as: the weather, sports, work, hobbies, place etc.
Because of the traditional habits or social customs, should avoid to use will cause strong dislike each other's words. For example, should pass away instead of die; Substitute empresa said elderlypeople; Replace with plain ugly; Farmer said instead of peasant, peasant (connotations of these two words in English is with no ecation, be rude, such narrow mind). Understand these with a particular cultural meanings of words, can avoid to use similar words bring unhappiness. Avoid culture shock (CultureShock).

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 07:41

Privacy and taboo involves refinement principle of politeness principle. English and Chinese on the foul language and have corresponding expressions, have euphemism on death, sex and excretion of expression. Britain and the United States and other western countries and the han nationality, however, because of different cultural background, on the use of private language still exist certain differences. Taboo language as a social cultural phenomenon, its emergence, existence and continuation of a clear historical and social cultural roots, such as Chinese and western in religious, racial discrimination, sexism, curse and profane, and even diet, there are many taboo language, the difference between them is obvious. Such as in the oral English appellation from formal to literally have a lot of ways, but if only call like Chinese.
For example: see foreign friends like ill, can according to the traditional Chinese way to ask: "Are you ill?" , this will let people embarrassed, still can hurt people's self-esteem, because we asked healthy tone tactful, sincere enough. Can say this: "You look rather pale. Are You allright?" , "You seem tired, You OK?" . When some people found somebody else sick, would have said: "You should go and see the doctor." or "You should go to the pharmacyand buy some medicine." but, with that advice sex words will make others unhappy, unless somebody else specifically asks You to give this advice, it is very polite, they will think You are insulting them, because You think they have no judgment, even such a small thing to someone else to give advice. In China, between acquaintances or first met one can ask
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