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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 07:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:44

Should We Help Strangers?
  In our daily life, most of us have the experience of helping strangers, like giving directions to a lost boy or giving our seats to an elderly lady on a bus. What a great feeling it is to see a smile on others’ faces! As an old saying goes, “Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.” Therefore, it is necessary to help others.
  However, nowadays professional cheats tend to take advantages of kind, helpful and warm-hearted people. For instance, once my grandma gave some money without hesitation to a ‘beggar’ dressed in rags, who lay on the street hoping to be pitied. But the next week, he was seen to have big dinners in restaurants and hotels. Being generous to them may bring you not pleasure but regret and anger.
  To sum up, we should be ready to help others because it makes us feel better and makes our society more harmonious. When it comes to strangers, we should be cautious in case we may put ourselves into trouble by helping them.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:45

When a cripple in rag begged for help in the street, when a poor boy knocked at your door in the evening and when an old woman stumbled on the road, we maybe in a dilemma that whether we should give hands to those strangers.
We used to consider a lot .Are the cripple and poor boy belong to a cheating group? If we go to help the old woman up and send her to the hospital, will she come up with a plot to force us to compensate her? Because of these hesitation and worry, we have missed many chances to help others. Won’t it become a greater pity?
Undoubtedly, we ought to be cautious about the strangers. But don’t always keep looking at the darkness of the society and suspect everyone. There are numerous people who really need our help and only with our help can they go through the hardship. Imagine that without the generous contribution from the world, how can the earthquake-stricken area be rebuilt so fast.? Imagine that without the care from the society, how can the vulnerable group gain the courage to go on their lives? If everyone refuses to help the strangers, the whole society will become indifferent.
In one word, don’t be stingy with your help when strangers are in trouble. Only in this way can we spread love and warm the world.

这个虽然不是我亲笔写,但是从网上整理和修改而来的, 希望对你有帮助。
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