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求英语作文:the moment i was prised by my.....(填一个词)急急急啊。。。。。!!!!!!!!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 05:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:22

The moment I was praised by my mother.

My mother is the best person in my eyes.When I finished homework,my mother praised me.

She said,‘You're a struggling boy.’After finished,I washed dishes and my mother praised me again.She said,‘You're a good boy.’

Hearing the praise,I was happy.At that moment,I thought,my mother had been working hard and she was tired.In return,I have to study harder an.Thank you,my dear mother,for every little thing you did for me.






热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:23

The moment i was prised by my mother

I still remember that day my mother paised me.
She always kind and warm-hearted to others.
On a bus,when she saw the old ,she stood up quickly.she want to let the old sit her Seat.My mother told me that everyone should respect the old and cherish the young.I feel that my mother was great and I should learn from my mother.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:23

1: (I was supprised) by my best friend

2: When I came to his home last night; Because he prepared a nice gift for me to reminded me it was my birthday

3. I felt very happy and I was moved.

4. I thought that he is so nice, it is so good to be his friend.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:24

Every one will feel very happy and proud when he is praised,which suits me too.Till now I still remember the day my friend praised me. That was on a winter morning,My friends and I were about to go skating. When we got on the bus,we talked and laughed.After a while, some other people got on the bus too. The bus was crowded.Then I found an old granny with a big bag in her hand. I stood up immediateyand let her take my seat.Though I had stood for a long time then.I still felt so happy when I was praised by friends.
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