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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 05:23



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 22:00

With the development of the Internet, more and more students access to the Internet, and even some students can not do without it. Blog as a new personal home page, has received more and more people love.
Recently, many students have opened their own blog. They believe that their own blog as a display of window, allowing more people to discover and understand themselves, and also can release pressure to learn.
However, many parents and teachers think that blog will affect their learning. Because students must spend time to manage blog, so that less time learning
I think that the blog on the one hand allows students to share their knowledge, which helps to improve academic performance. On the other hand, students can addicted to blog.
All in all, the blog is a good thing, but it depends on how
求一篇英语作文 有关于博客的优点

As a kind of most avant-garde stuff in modern information society, blog is appealing to an increasing number of people. To my mind, however, the matter should be observed dialectically due to its particularity and complexity.Blog undeniably wields numerous merits. It in the first p...


people no longer has time to spare to write a full blog. Micro-blogging gives people the chance to convey their ideas and thoughts quickly and easily. This is a good change to the internet community,


All in all, the blog is a good thing, but it depends on how

有关博客的英语作文 120字左右就可以啦。不用很深刻。

Today, it seems that everybody has a blog. I have one of course, and my parents, even my grandparents all have their own blogs. Since the Internet is much more easily to access, blogs are becoming more and more popular around us.Why do people like blogs so much? In my o...


Nowadays, blog is very familiar to most people and is used very widely.If you are a student, it's strongly encouraged to try it, especially when you are free, you can write something as you like to practise your writing ability.As for those working in offices, it's good ...


Firstly, it is the widespread of Internet that provides a platform for the appearance and popularity of blog. Secondly, anyone can create his own blog as he wishes. Blog has no fixed rules and needn’t professional knowledge and skills, which enables millions of people to have a ...

...的网上博客,你如何看待这一现象?请用英语写一篇120~150词_百度知 ...

content and your friend number, and the deadline is write blog is useful for your reality life, not bad for it.We are now grow up, and I think the advantage is much bigger than the disadvantage, cause we could control ourself better than then we study in senior school....


The second: the life of modern rhythm very soon, in the habit of keeping diary book written in journal will not convenient. In addition, diary at home to others found, easy to leak privacy. And in the online a blog, as long as you don't divulge their privacy, you can ...


numerous merits. It in the first place serves as an effective means of communication, through which blog users are able to vent their spleens and share their various feelings with each other. Secondly, blog proves to be a terrific platform. for learning. By updating one’s blog ...


博客才是我的个人天地,那里有我们喜欢的一切元素。作为一个小学女生,胆小文静的我以前很少和别人说话,但自从开了博客后,我天天都会在课后上来一次。把我的心里话写在博客上,把我学习的知识应用在博客上。Before we rarely get to the Internet, because teachers and parents are not assured of ...

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