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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 14:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 01:40

1:apart from the message
2:what is happening
4:body language
6:in itself
7:the message itself
8:punctuality means everything
2. 听力
1-5 ACDCD 6-10 ACCBD
Part 2 阅读
11-15 BBCAC 16-20 _ BCBD 21-25CBADB 26-30 BAD(29B或C) A
Part 3 综合知识
31-35 DCACA; 36-40 CDABD

1.grew----grew up
4.the child----the middle child
8.facing in----facing
9.which----in which
10.therefore- --nevertheless

翻译2Section B: 飞机飞越尼泊尔上空时。你很容易天马行空起来,假想自己很渺小----像只蝴蝶----在建筑师所使用的某个三维地形图上方漂浮着,在这里,地形图一圈圈的轮廓线变成了环绕高耸的山脊成阶梯状的稻田。
1.Modern society are full of contradiction, from the values held to lifestyle choice, but most lets modern people feel embarrassed when facing many contradictions, many times but you have no other choice. Hurry and leisure is two kinds of disparate lifestyle, also can saying is two kinds of life attitude, but in real life, people is in these two kinds of lifestyle and attitude, sometimes also frequently shuttling between indeterminate what is "leisure" or "rush". For example, when we are resort of holidays, but suddenly get a call from the boss (oneself is the boss of subordinates, employees will receive the phone), and inform the customer or work trouble - modern conveniences advanced communication tools at this moment, showed its ferocious, gloomy face - make gadites suddenly interest completely without next, the leisure, because only without heart is already HuoShaoHuoLiao
作文范文 Higher entry fees should be charged ring peak travel season

With social and economic development, people have more time and money to visit famous sites of historical interest. Their visits, on the one hand, can enrich their own life and meanwhile bring the sites substantial incomes. On the other hand, too many visits, especially ring peak travel seasons when there are more visitors, have caused huge problems. One solution to this is to charge higher a fee ring this time, which I think is necessary and I am in complete favor of this decision.
As we all know, today there is no entrance fee charged for many parks in our country while almost all famous sites of historical interest still need an entry fee. Some people can not accept this for they think that both parks and famous sites of historical interest are part of public service. They should have free access to them or at least shouldn’t pay too much since they have already paid taxes to the government. Then it is far impossible for those people to allow the sites to charge higher fees ring peak travel seasons.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 01:41

TEM8 、
θθ 8748+9131.
必 过。
TEM8 、
θθ 8748+9131.
必 过。

我去 年 买 过他 们 家 的专 四。很 准的!
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