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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 13:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 13:08

Blair和Dan 在看 "the philadelphia story”
我是在国外的一个八卦blog上看到的,介绍有关gossip girl那一集的。大概讲片尾D和B在一起看the philadelphia story,而the philadelphia story又正好是他们friendship的一种象征。

A friendship grows in Brooklyn

The writers are just teasing Dan and Blair fans at this point, right? Last week, you have them watch a movie together over the phone and now this week you have them pig out on pizza and fall asleep watching a movie? It's almost too much for our little Dair-loving hearts to bear.

The movie they watched? "The Philadelphia Story," which actually is pretty symbolic of their quasi-friendship. The plot of the 1940 classic film? A socialite's (Katharine Hepburn) wedding plans are complicated by the arrival of her ex-husband and an attractive and judgmental journalist. The socialite, Tracy, ends up torn between her fiancée, her ex-husband and the reporter.

We completely see the parallel between Tracy and the reporter, Mike, and Dan and Blair. The scene they showed Dan and Blair watching was between Mike and Tracy after he calls her out for being privileged and a snob. She says, "You're the worst kind there is. An intellectual snob. You made up your mind awfully young, it seems to me." Sound familiar? It should because it's the reason Dan and Blair are constantly at odds: class difference.

In case you were wondering who Tracy ends up with in the end -- spoiler alert! -- it's not Mike, but her ex-husband, an imperfect alcoholic. Doesn't that also sound familiar?
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