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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 04:36



热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 20:13

把句子顺序小调整了一下子 我也是丹尼斯的FANS
不过这个信他回的可能性并不大哦 呵呵

Dear Dannis,

Hi,I am a Chinese boy,a fan of yours.I like your works very much,especially like the character Harry of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!It's fabulous!Will you go on playing the role in the sixth book?

I've heard that you want to shoot a film with the main character of Spider Man,is it true?

Here i get a few more questions and hope you answer me.Do you usually wear glassess or not?Do you really have a magic wand?I
adore you so much!And lots of my classmates likes you very much!They all like Harry Potter!

We wish you keep good health and have a fabulous career!
Hope you write back!

热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 20:13

I am a chinese boy,one of your crazy fans.I like your films very very much,especially the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.You are so charming when you were in it.Will you continue to play the sixth?I heard that you want to coplay with Tobey Maguire(这是蜘蛛侠男主角的名字,我觉得此处用名字更好,呵呵).Is that ture?Do you wear glasses personally? Do you have a real magic wand ?
I really worship you.So do many of my classmates!
I am looking forward your reply.May you be healthy and have good future in career!Good luck!


热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 20:13


热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 20:14

I am a Chinese boy, I is your admirers, I love your work, in particular, you shoot, "Harry Potter and the Phoenix community," Harry, this is too attractive, you'll ask Zaipai Part VI it, I heard that you want to play and "Spider-Man" and the protagonist of his movie, is it really » You always wear glasses? » Do you really have a magic wand? » I worship you too! Many of our students have classes like you are all like Harry Potter, I hope you can reply, I wish you good health and great achievements in their career, good lucky!

热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 20:15

I am a Chinese boy,one of your fans,I like your works very much.When especially <<Herry Potter and Society of phoenix>> Herry, this is really too fascinating. Excuse me, you will clap sixth agian agian? It is said that you miss and go out and perform the spider man's main role costar a film,is it really? Are you usually wear the glasses? Are you really have the magic wand? I too worship you! A lot of classmates of our class likes you, all s liked Herry Potter,I hope you can write in reply, wish you good health,the cause has results to show. Good luck!

热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 20:15


Dear Dannis,Hi,I am a Chinese boy,a fan of yours.I like your works very much,especially like the character Harry of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!It's fabulous!Will you go on playing the role in the sixth book?I've heard that you want to shoot a film with...


I am Lihua , a 16-year-old boy of China.I am glad to recive your massage and it is the first time that I make pen pal / I think we can learn the culture of China ang America by sending e-mile each other.亲,希望能够帮到你,欢迎追问,望采纳~...


我是一个中国人用英语表示为I am a Chinese,其读音为:英[aɪ əm ə ˌtʃaɪˈniːz],美[aɪ əm ə ˌtʃaɪˈniːz]重点单词:Chinese 一、释义 n. 中国人; 中文; 汉语; 华人; 华裔;...

英文翻译 我是中国人

“我是中国人”英文翻译为: “I'm Chinese”或者“I'm a chinese man”。例如:1、我叫彼得,我是中国人。My name is Peter and I am a Chinese man.2、我是中国人。我来自北京。I’m Chinese. I come from Beijing.

请帮我用英语翻译一下这篇文章(注:1.用英式英语 2.按原文翻译)

我叫崔丞哲,今年12岁,是一个中国男孩。自从我看完了《哈利波特与魔法石》,我就深深喜欢上了这部电影,喜欢里面聪慧的赫敏-格兰杰,勇敢的哈利-波特,亲和的罗恩-韦斯莱…My name is Cui Chengzhe, this year 12 years old, is a Chinese boy. Since I finished watching "harry potter and the ...


我是中国人翻译成英语是I'm Chinese.


He is a boy who comes from China.他来自中国他是一个中国男孩

大家好我叫陈一鸣我来自中国美丽的阜阳我是一个男孩,今年九岁。英语 翻...

大家好,我叫陈一鸣,我来自中国美丽的阜阳,我是一个男孩,今年九岁。英文可以是,Hello, my name is Chen Yiming. I'm from Fuyang, a beautiful city in China. I'm a boy. I'm nine years old.


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