发布时间:2022-05-24 11:43
时间:2023-10-12 07:43
The rhetorical conventions of the "preface," or xu, to collections of poetry lead one to expect some permutation of a familiar set of basic moves conventional encomia on the power of poetry, accounts of the ethical and historical wellsprings of the poetic faculty, along with some more or less detailed statements of the historical lineage to which the present work affiliates itself. By all conventional standards, however, Yan Ji fails to make any of these moves in his preface. Far from providing an account of the vital ethical or political significance and power of poetry, he circumscribes quite pointedly his notion of a "good poem" to the sympotic context. A good poem, by this account, is one that satisfies the reveler "bobbing and sinking in wine." This effect of satisfaction is one described as almost physiological-the language here of "dissolving" and "dispersing" is quasi-medical. Perhaps even more unsettling is the apparent lack of any positive historical tradition of poetry to point to; for the old lyrics, Yan Ji baldly states, simply fail when judged by this imperious test. Yan Ji's startling formulation of the relation of the present-day poet to the poets of the past gives with one hand and takes away with the other. While asserting the fundamental identity of the experiential truths of human response to the world, Yan Ji simultaneously denies that any set of canonical texts can hope to serve as an enring touchstone of that identity. While the poetic impulse may enre unchanged through time, the poem as text is at best only a provisional bearer of meaning, as the truths of experience continually require new poems to restore them to full expression. If the defining function of the literary preface is to place the new literary work within history and in relation to a canonical lineage, Yan Ji here seems to have undermined that logic from within. As we inquire further into the modelThe rhetorical conventions of the "preface," or xu, to collections of poetry lead one to expect some permutation of a familiar set of basic moves conventional encomia on the power of poetry, accounts of the ethical and historical wellsprings of the poetic faculty, along with some more or less detailed statements of the historical lineage to which the present work affiliates itself. By all conventional standards, however, Yan Ji fails to make any of these moves in his preface. Far from providing an account of the vital ethical or political significance and power of poetry, he circumscribes quite pointedly his notion of a "good poem" to the sympotic context. A good poem, by this account, is one that satisfies the reveler "bobbing and sinking in wine." This effect of satisfaction is one described as almost physiological-the language here of "dissolving" and "dispersing" is quasi-medical. Perhaps even more unsettling is the apparent lack of any positive historical tradition of poetry to point to; for the old lyrics, Yan Ji baldly states, simply fail when judged by this imperious test. Yan Ji's startling formulation of the relation of the present-day poet to the poets of the past gives with one hand and takes away with the other. While asserting the fundamental identity of the experiential truths of human response to the world, Yan Ji simultaneously denies that any set of canonical texts can hope to serve as an enring touchstone of that identity. While the poetic impulse may enre unchanged through time, the poem as text is at best only a provisional bearer of meaning, as the truths of experience continually require new poems to restore them to full expression. If the defining function of the literary preface is to place the new literary work within history and in relation to a canonical lineage, Yan Ji here seems to have undermined that logic from within. As we inquire further into the model
时间:2023-10-12 07:43
时间:2023-10-12 07:44
时间:2023-10-12 07:44