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why i choose yale 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 13:06



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 21:57

Why I choose YALE?
When I was a senior in high school,collegea called out my name.
Every day I'd debate,where to martriculate,but every place seemed the same.
Yet after I went though the options,only one choice remained.
I wanted to hail from a college called YALE.
Now let me explain...
It;s a place where you'll learn quintessential knowledge,and you can live in a Residentiall College,and you can put your hearts into all the libral arts.
And that's why Ichoose YALE.
Of course,you'll get a first-rate ecation,but also thrive on classmates'conversation.
Here is where we thread Shakespeare Studies and Pre-Med,and that's why I choose YALE.
One of the reason I choose YALE was for its housing system.Before students arrive as freshmen,they're randomly assigned to one of twelve smaller communities,called Residential Colleges.
These colleges have nothing to do with academic subjects or extracurricular activities.
But rest assured,they're guite a bit more than just living spaces.
Excuse me?
Yeah admissions officer?
Tell us more about Residential Colleges.
Sure thing.
Student A:Students here at YALE come from everywhere around with every type of interest that can possibly be found.
Do our passions divide us?
No,our colleges provide us with family and common ground.
For all four years we'll all reside together in colleges united by pride.
With such great facilities to hone your abilities,you'll never want to go outside.
Student B:Every college has a dining hall with a salad bar and grill and organic options for every meal.
Student C:I'm going to eat my fill.
Student D:Each one has a common room,which we could not live without to study to meet in groups or simply to hang out.
Student E:And when the dining halls are closed there's butteries for snacks.
Student F:And if you need a study break,there's game rooms to relax.
Student G:I can get to my college library without stepping foot outside.
Student H:And just right down the hallway,my clothes are washed and dried.
Student I:I work out in my college gym, a mere two floors below.Then I meet my friends for rehearsal in the dance studio.
Student J;There are tons of music practice rooms where Ican hone my skills.
Student K:We even have a movie theater.This one allways gives me chills!
Student O:We don't have normal dorms at YALE.Instead,welive in suites.
So you may have a roommate.We have matching sheets!Outside there's a common room, so come and stay a while.There's space for couches and TVs or a lava lamp if that's your style.
Student P:At the head of every college is a Master and a Dean.They live with us and eat with us and everything between.
Student Q:Am I taking the right class? Will these credits suffice?I've got the flu.Need a pass.Can I get some advice?What's a good summer program?
Dean:This fellowship is nice.
Student Q:Thank goodness that we have our Dean.
Student R:A Master brings us all together as our senior prof. hosting study breaks and lectures for when we need time off.
Prof.:Who'd like to see a Broadway show?I'll gladly subsidize.Let's host another connert ,I'll proudly harmonize.There's free food in the evening for all of you too share,and a Master's Tea tomorrow too.I hope to see you there.
Stedent S:Master's Tea's are a channce to see all your favourie celebrities.Hear their stories and ask advice.
Master:...which is why I had to interview him twice.
Student T:Residential Colleges,come give a cheer.A place to call our home for all four years.A sense of unity,immense community.Our friendships will prevail.
That's why I choose YALE.
Officer:But when you do step outside your Residential College,who konws what you might run into.
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