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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 12:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 08:08

  剧情:in this fable movie, Thompson played a girl who looked a bit scary and the magical woman who had just died, his wife entered the house of Mr Brown, trying to uniforms very slapstick Brown refuses to accept pipes 7 children. Among these children, a boy named Simon, the largest, Lancaster played by Thomas Sanger, who had driven away 17 previous nannies employed at home, he also believes will be able to drive away, "Thompson", but played with Thompson maid McPhee began to control the family, these children come to realize that they will soon proce extreme actions that they themselves are afraid of the results. McPhee's influence has graally extended to the family's deeper problems, including the Brown Plan for no reason suddenly find a wife, played by the likes Brie Angela Lance dictates aunt Edailaide announced She wanted to adopt one child, and Kelly Macdonald Stewart played by the female domestic Everett JI Lin began to make some surprise. As children began to change behavior, McPhee's looks and body are starting to change, and the children and Mr. Brown are beginning to enjoy the magic of her on the stranger, then a series of questions to follow.
  观后感:Norman lives in the village, he had a sister called Meige Xi, there is a younger brother Vincent, also from London and cousins - Cyril and Xi Liya, and then home, and the emergence of a Paul Mumai Kofi bit of magic, giving them a vivid Class 5.

  McPhee into that house, have two moles on her face, one buck teeth, looks awful. She gave them on the first class, McPhee control them with a cane, so apologies to each other after the children returned to their freedom, the first lesson is to teach them not to fight, and then down to teach four lessons are: the second class to teach them to learn to share; third class to teach them to unite; IV classes to teach them to be brave; V class to teach them to have confidence. Cyril, Xi Liya by the five class, more and feel better rural life, and each time the children finish teaching a lesson, McPhee face mole will be gone, as was taught in class five, Mike Philippine become very beautiful, and their father back.

  By watching the film, I deeply feel: You can not fight, to unite, to share with others, not selfishness, but also confident that if we could do that, I believe that success is not far from us it!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 08:09

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