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vegetarian的定义 要英语的 急

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 09:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:46

Vegetarianism is the practice of a diet that excludes meat (including game and slaughter by-procts; fish, shellfish and other sea animals; and poultry).[1][2] There are several variants of the diet, some of which also exclude eggs and/or some procts proced from animal labour such as dairy procts and honey.

The vegan diet is a form of vegetarianism which excludes all animal procts from the diet, such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy procts, eggs, and honey. Those who practice veganism for ethical reasons often exclude animal procts from their diet as part of a larger practice of abstaining from the use of animals for any purpose (e.g. leather, fur, etc.), often out of support for animal rights.[3][4]

Most vegetarians consume dairy procts, and many eat eggs. Lacto-vegetarianism includes dairy procts but excludes eggs, ovo-vegetarianism includes eggs but not dairy, and lacto-ovo vegetarianism includes both eggs and dairy procts.

Semi-vegetarianism consists of a diet largely of vegetarian foods, but may include fish and sometimes poultry, as well as dairy procts and eggs. The association of semi-vegetarianism with vegetarianism in popular vernacular, particularly pescetarianism (also called pesco-vegetarianism and described as a "vegetarian" diet that includes fish[5][6][7][8]), has led to what vegetarian groups cite as improper categorisation of these diets as vegetarian. The Vegetarian Society, which initiated popular usage of the term vegetarian as early as 1847, condemns the association of semi-vegetarian diets as valid vegetarianism; the organisation points out that the consumption of fish is not vegetarian.[9]

The reasons for choosing vegetarianism may be related to one or more of the following: morality, religion, culture, ethics, aesthetics, environment, society, economy, politics, taste, or health. A generic term for both vegetarianism and veganism, as well as for similar diets, is "plant-based diets".[10] Properly planned vegetarian diets have been found to satisfy the nutritional needs for all stages of life, and large-scale studies have shown vegetarianism to significantly lower risks of cancer, ischaemic heart disease, and other diseases.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:46


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:47

people who stick to take vegetables/bean as food and refuse any animal meat or fish.
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