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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 14:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:54

1.The basic curricula in China and the USA are similar. Both in China and the USA, students are required to learn literature, mathematics, science, history and physical lesions.
2.both in China and the USA have the compulsory ecation.

1.Administrative System(A指America,C指China)
A: parallel federal government:serve for ecation like offering ecational finance, collecting ecational information and doing researches.
Authority about ecation
State government and ecational committee
Local government and school board(学区教育委员会)
Headmaster: Principle accountability system
Advantages: stimulate the motivation of local ecation
Disadvantages:no an overall political plan and objective, which lead to imbalance
C:vertical centralized ecation system
Advantages: having an common plan with authority.
Disadvantages: local ecation has no motivation and autonomy.

2.Ecational System
A: 12 years compulsory ection. The system includes 70% public school and 30% private school.
C: 9 years compulsory ecation. Most of our school are public.

3.Course Objectives
A: focus on experience and necessity of life. To develop students' indivial characters and innovate thoughts.
C: focus on the traditional values such as moral and ethic. Emphasize the authority of teachers and parents.

4.Course Organization
A: courses in America vary from state to state. Elective courses enjoy a large proportion and students can choose their own courses on the basis of their interests and advantages
C: almost all the courses of every province are the same. Students must study all the courses no matter whether they like them or not.

5.Teaching Methods
A:students-oriented method
Teacher's ty is to motivate and direct. Students have full freedom to interrupt and query their teachers.
Advantages: students have more motivation to figure out what they do not understand. Their innovation and capabilities of self-study are cultivated.
Disadvantages: their class is not formal enough and the content is simple. It is no good for their basic knowledge.
C:teachers-oriented method
Teacher's ty is to give students large amount of knowledge and formalize their daily behavior.
Advantages: the content is focus on theory, and students can develop good basis.
Disadvantages: students do what they are told to do. Most of Chinese students have no capability of self-study and query authority.

A:testing students' overall capabilities like their practice and their innovative ideas
Annual assessment: identify where teacher's strengths and weakness. Evaluate school and school districts
C: taking exams to test students' memory about what they studied
、中美两国有着不同的历史文化背景 ,*经济制度也存在很大的差异 ,因而两国的基础教育在管理*、课程目标、教学内容、教学方法、评估手段等诸多方面都不尽相同 ,教学效果也各有利弊。今天我想谈谈中美教育体系在行政*方面的差异。 美国教育行政管理是比较典型的地方分权为主的自由化管理* ,是“平行 ”的教育行政。联邦*不掌握教育行政权 ,不直接干预教育事业 ,它的主要职能是指导性和服务性的。在美国 ,对教育拥有直接管理权的是州*及教育委员会 ,其次是地方*和学区教育委员会。这种地方分权管理*调动了地方办学的积极性 ,但也有它的弊端 ,就是各地自行其是,无统一*要求、规划和目标 ,使教育发展出现极大的不平衡。 在我国 ,*一级设有主管教育的部门 ,*对教育事业实行统一的计划领导 ,教育经费主要由国家预算支付 ,实行*集中领导下分级管理的原则。这种做法的显著特点是统一性、权威性强 ,缺点是压制地方积极性 ,致使各地各类学校办学模式的单一化。
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