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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 15:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:06

译文 :

1. To Group Finance Director deal with day-to-day affairs, and enhance coordination and communication between the various departments.

2, The Group of contracts and important documents, data management.

3, The Ministry of Finance responsible for the formulation of the Group posts workflow.

4, The group responsible for developing financial systems audit system, the financial staff appraisal system.

5, The group responsible for the formulation of reimbursement system, departmental rules and regulations.

6, Preparing the Group capital budget plan, capital movement and payment arrangements.

7, Strict control, to review the cost subsidiaries and rationalize the distribution.

8, The cost of preparing the Group meta-analysis of the cost comparison form and subsidiaries of Table.

9, Inventory and fixed assets management.

10, In charge of tax planning, and coordination of banking, taxation external relations.

11, In charge of general ledger accounting and management, preparation of the tax returns.

12, The group responsible for the preparation of the consolidated statements and statements.

13, The UF software maintenance and day-to-day operational management authority.

14, Various kinds of file management and accounting documents, accounting statements.

15, Regularly on the development of corporate capital budget.

16, Cashier daily audit certificate.

17, Was regularly pumping cash and securities, cash inventory preparation table.

18, Participation in the development of corporate funds monetary system and standardize the system of reimbursement.

19, The processing of purchase orders, warehousing and related single original documents, prepared on payment plans .

20, The management of accounts payable.

21, The company responsible for the material cost accounting, preparation of the relevant documents.

22, The company responsible for the finished procts, the preparation of the relevant documents.

23, Fixed asset management and accounting.

24, Cost analysis on the preparation of statements, statements, sales analysis.
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