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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 08:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:24

2050 years, I am 58 - year - old at that time.The earth-shaking changes all around .for the future, i am confident, because the world will be getting better, we are fully that are grounds for optimism imagine the future.2050 as a happy life in high - tech era, i do not need a day for work and boeng, i can do by computer, the Internet to upload file, finish my work tasks.i just can look at the world through the square screen sit at home .I almost can solve all my problems.Now, the environmental protection is the importance.more than 40 years later, the Earth's climate has been a certain improvement, people prefer to travel.leaving the virtual network, back to reality, we experience nature and people living with scientific progress and environmental career will be development , healthy and happy, this is 2050 years in my eyes .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:24

In 2050, when I am 58 years old, and I will be all around the earth-shaking changes. As for the future, I am confident because the world will get better and better, we have every reason to optimistic to occur in the future of the Imagination. In 2050, as a well-being of people living in high-tech age, I do not need to go to work every day, I can be a computer, upload to the Internet to complete my tasks. I just sit at home, they can look to see the world through the Fangfangzhengzheng screen, I almost can not solve all the problems I face. Now, environmental protection has been great importance to the people, when more than 40 years after the Earth's climate has been improved, people prefer to travel by. Leave the virtual network , back to reality, we are happy to experience the beauty of nature, as are people's lives with scientific progress and the development of environmental protection and health, happiness, that is, I In the eyes of 2050.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:25

In 2050, when I am 58 years old, and I will be all around the earth-shaking changes. As for the future, I am confident because the world will get better and better, we have every reason to optimistic (optimistic) to occur in the future of the Imagination. In 2050, as a well-being of people living in high-tech age, I do not need to go to work every day, I can be a computer, upload to the Internet to complete my tasks. I just sit at home, they can look to see the world through the Fangfangzhengzheng screen, I almost can not solve all the problems I face. Now, environmental protection has been great importance to the people, when more than 40 years after the Earth's climate has been improved, people prefer to travel by. Leave the virtual network (virtual), back to reality, we are happy to experience the beauty of nature, as are people's lives (with. ..) of scientific progress and the development of environmental protection and health, happiness, that is, I In the eyes of 2050.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:25


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:26

in 2050, at that time my 58 years old, but around me all will also have the earth-shaking change. Regarding the future, I will be confident, because the world will be getting better and better, we will have the matter which completely the reason optimistic (optimistic) will give free reign to the imagination will occur in the future. in 2050, takes a happy life in the high tech age person, I do not need to rush about every day for the work, I may through the computer, the Internet upload the document, completes my work mission. I only need sit at home, then may take a broad view look at the world, by the upright display monitor, I may solve the problem which nearly all I face. Now, the environmental protection has been taken by the people, has waited till more than 40 years later, the Earth climate already obtained certain improvement, the people liked going out to travel. Leaves the hypothesized network (virtual), returns to the reality, we are glad experience the nature by oneself the beauty, people's life along with (with…) science progress and environmental protection enterprise's development, but the health, is joyful, this is, in my eye in 2050.
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