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发布时间:2022-05-26 10:19
时间:2023-10-12 19:40
Safety Rules for Jetty
1 目的
2 适用范围
3 具体要求
1. 码头仅租用航道局的半边,因此无法实行封闭管理,但严禁无关人员和车辆进入麦克巴使用的码头。
2. 严禁携带火种和易燃易爆物品进入码头。
3. 码头作业人员应按规定正确穿戴劳动保护用品,进入码头的非作业人员应戴安全帽。
4. 码头进行吊车吊装作业时,吊臂下严禁人员站立和通过。
5. 进入码头限载区的货物和机具应符合码头的载荷要求,超出码头载荷要求的货物和机具不得进入码头限载区。
6. 载运车辆不得提前进入码头等候装卸,必须随到随装、随卸。
7. 作业机具装卸货物时应轻装轻卸,不得野蛮装卸,码头安全员应对作业现场进行安全监督管理。
8. 回收物资在码头存放时间一般不得超过24小时,对超时存放的货物,码头安全员应及时通知理货员对其进行回收。
9. 严禁叉车铲运超高、超宽的货物(货物高度不得高于框架,货物两侧超宽不得超过车宽的1/2);严禁叉车铲运油罐等易燃易爆物品。
10. 严禁未进行*或*不牢固的车载货物进出码头。
11. 严禁车辆超负荷载运货物进出码头。
12. 严禁无货物出门证的载货车辆驶离码头。
13. 进入码头的车辆行驶速度不得超过10公里/小时,驾驶员不得擅离车位,货物装卸完毕应立即驶离码头。
14. 船舶在港维修作业时,施工单位应向码头管理所提交海事局签发的《船舶在港安全作业报备书》,否则不准作业。
15. 船舶在港清舱作业时,施工单位应向码头管理所提交海事局签发污油水接收作业《批准》书,否则不准作业。
16. 船舶靠离泊时,码头安全员和解系缆工应对其进行安全监督管理,防止发生船舶碰撞码头及码头设施事故。
17. 接到潮汛警报时,码头安全员应及时通知在港船舶、理货员及相关单位做好防潮汛准备。
18. 严禁向码头及码头前沿水域扔杂物。
19. 严禁占用码头消防通道。
20. 严禁无关人员擅自动用码头设备及设施。
21. 严禁在码头作业区吸烟和擅自动火作业。
22. 严禁无关船舶进入码头前沿水域或停靠码头。
23. 严禁在码头前沿水域钓鱼、捕鱼、游泳。
24. 码头清洁工
Pier safety management requirements
Safety Rules for Jetty
Objective 1
In order to ensure the terminal operation and security of person, special provisions of the final version.
2 Scope
Bases apply to all personnel.
3 the specific requirements of
1. Piers leased Waterway Bureau only half, so the management can not be closed, but not related to personnel and vehicles is strictly prohibited to enter the麦克巴piers.
2. Is prohibited to carry fire and explosive items into the terminals.
3. Terminal operators should be required to wear proper labor protection supplies, into the terminals of non-operating personnel should be wearing helmets.
4. Terminal crane hoisting operations, crane standing under the prohibited personnel and adoption.
5. To enter the terminal area limit set of goods and equipment should be consistent with the terminal load requirements, beyond the terminal load of goods and equipment required to enter the Terminal shall not be limited to containing the area.
6. Carrying vehicles shall not advance into the terminals waiting for loading and unloading, must pick-loaded, with the unloading.
7. Operating machinery loading and unloading of cargoes should be unloaded light light not barbaric handling, terminal operations at the scene to deal with security staff to carry out safety supervision and management.
8. The recovery of materials stored in the terminal time is normally not allowed more than 24 hours of overtime goods store, terminal security should promptly notify理货员their recovery.
9. Forbidden forklift transported shovel ultra-high, extra-wide goods (cargo height shall not exceed the framework of, goods vehicles on both sides of wide width shall not exceed 1 / 2); prohibited backhoe forklift and other easily combustible materials transported tank.
10. No no do not firmly tied or bundled out of the vehicle cargo terminal.
11. Prohibited vehicles carrying goods into and out of terminal overload.
12. Is strictly prohibited without the goods to go out permits to leave the terminal laden vehicles.
13. Into the terminals of the vehicle speed must not exceed 10 km / h, the driver shall not be unauthorized absence from the parking spaces, loading and unloading finished goods should immediately leave the terminal.
14. Ship repair operations in Hong Kong, the construction unit shall submit the management of maritime safety administration terminal for issuing the "safe operation of ships in Hong Kong reported book", otherwise not allowed to work.
15. Ship deck clearance operations in Hong Kong, the construction unit shall submit the management of maritime safety administration terminal to issue water pollution receive operating "ratified" book, otherwise not allowed to work.
16. The ship away from the mooring on, the terminal member of reconciliation mooring security workers should carry out safety oversight management, and prevent the occurrence of ship collision accident terminals and terminal facilities.
17. Received tidal alarm, the terminal security should promptly notify the ship in Hong Kong, and related units to do a good job理货员moistureproof flood preparation.
18. Is strictly prohibited to the forefront of the waters of terminals and terminal debris thrown.
19. Pier fire channel occupancy is strictly prohibited.
20. Prohibited the use of unrelated persons without authorization terminal equipment and facilities.
21. Prohibited operating zones in the terminal flare up smoking and unauthorized operation.
22. Strictly unrelated to the forefront of the ship to enter the terminal waters or docked at the pier.
23. Prohibited the forefront of the waters at the pier fishing, fishing, swimming.
24. Pier cleaners
时间:2023-10-12 19:40
Pier safety management requirements
Safety Rules for Jetty
Objective 1
In order to ensure the terminal operation and security of person, special provisions of the final version.
2 Scope
Bases apply to all personnel.
3 the specific requirements of
1. Piers leased Waterway Bureau only half, so the management can not be closed, but not related to personnel and vehicles is strictly prohibited to enter the麦克巴ships.
2. Is prohibited to carry fire and explosive items into the terminals.
3. Terminal operators should be required to wear proper labor protection supplies, into the terminals of non-operating personnel should be wearing helmets.
4. Terminal crane hoisting operations, crane standing under the prohibited personnel and adoption.
5. To enter the terminal area limit set of goods and equipment should be consistent with the terminal load requirements, beyond the terminal load of goods and equipment required to enter the Terminal shall not be limited to containing the area.
6. Carrying vehicles shall not advance into the terminals waiting for loading and unloading, must pick-loaded, with the unloading.
7. Operating machinery loading and unloading of cargoes should be unloaded light light not barbaric handling, terminal operations at the scene to deal with security staff to carry out safety supervision and management.
8. The recovery of materials stored in the terminal time is normally not allowed more than 24 hours of overtime goods store, terminal security should promptly notify理货员their recovery.
9. Forbidden forklift transported shovel ultra-high, extra-wide goods (cargo height shall not exceed the framework of, goods vehicles on both sides of wide width shall not exceed 1 / 2); prohibited backhoe forklift and other easily combustible materials transported tank.
10. No no do not firmly tied or bundled out of the vehicle cargo terminal.
11. Prohibited vehicles carrying goods into and out of terminal overload.
12. Is strictly prohibited without the goods to go out permits to leave the terminal laden vehicles.
13. Into the terminals of the vehicle speed must not exceed 10 km / h, the driver shall not be unauthorized absence from the parking spaces, loading and unloading finished goods should immediately leave the terminal.
14. Ship repair operations in Hong Kong, the construction unit shall submit the management of maritime safety administration terminal for issuing the "safe operation of ships in Hong Kong reported book", otherwise not allowed to work.
15. Ship deck clearance operations in Hong Kong, the construction unit shall submit the management of maritime safety administration terminal to issue water pollution receive operating "ratified" book, otherwise not allowed to work.
16. The ship away from the mooring on, the terminal member of reconciliation mooring security workers should carry out safety oversight management, and prevent the occurrence of ship collision accident terminals and terminal facilities.
17. Received tidal alarm, the terminal security should promptly notify the ship in Hong Kong, and related units to do a good job理货员moistureproof flood preparation.
18. Is strictly prohibited to the forefront of the waters of terminals and terminal debris thrown.
19. Pier fire channel occupancy is strictly prohibited.
20. Prohibited the use of unrelated persons without authorization terminal equipment and facilities.
21. Prohibited operating zones in the terminal flare up smoking and unauthorized operation.
22. Strictly unrelated to the forefront of the ship to enter the terminal waters or docked at the pier.
23. Prohibited the forefront of the waters at the pier fishing, fishing, swimming.
24. Terminal cleaning should be carried out on the terminal surface cleaning, maintaining the terminal surface clean.
25. The staff positions should be ready for the job positions for mobile inspection area and found that problem should be resolved in a timely manner will not solve the problem should be promptly reported to the base manager and found that the major problem (such as: fire, a large number of oil spills, etc.) should be timely emergency proceres.
26. The provisions of the implementation of outstanding issues related to management regulations.
时间:2023-10-12 19:41
Safety Rules for Jetty
Objective 1
In order to ensure the terminal operation and security of person, special provisions of the final version.
2 Scope
Bases apply to all personnel.
3 the specific requirements of
1. Piers leased Waterway Bureau only half, so the management can not be closed, but not related to personnel and vehicles is strictly prohibited to enter the Maibake ships.
2. Is prohibited to carry fire and explosive items into the terminals.
3. Terminal operators should be required to wear proper labor protection supplies, into the terminals of non-operating personnel should be wearing helmets.
4. Terminal crane hoisting operations, crane standing under the prohibited personnel and adoption.
5. To enter the terminal area limit set of goods and equipment should be consistent with the terminal load requirements, beyond the terminal load of goods and equipment required to enter the Terminal shall not be limited to containing the area.
6. Carrying vehicles shall not advance into the terminals waiting for loading and unloading, must pick-loaded, with the unloading.
7. Operating machinery loading and unloading of cargoes should be unloaded light light not barbaric handling, terminal operations at the scene to deal with security staff to carry out safety supervision and management.
8. The recovery of materials stored in the terminal time is normally not allowed more than 24 hours of overtime goods store, terminal security should promptly notify Collate cargo personnel their recovery.
9. Forbidden forklift transported shovel ultra-high, extra-wide goods (cargo height shall not exceed the framework of, goods vehicles on both sides of wide width shall not exceed 1 / 2); prohibited backhoe forklift and other easily combustible materials transported tank.
10. No no do not firmly tied or bundled out of the vehicle cargo terminal.
11. Prohibited vehicles carrying goods into and out of terminal overload.
12. Is strictly prohibited without the goods to go out permits to leave the terminal laden vehicles.
13. Into the terminals of the vehicle speed must not exceed 10 km / h, the driver shall not be unauthorized absence from the parking spaces, loading and unloading finished goods should immediately leave the terminal.
14. Ship repair operations in Hong Kong, the construction unit shall submit the management of maritime safety administration terminal for issuing the "safe operation of ships in Hong Kong reported book", otherwise not allowed to work.
15. Ship deck clearance operations in Hong Kong, the construction unit shall submit the management of maritime safety administration terminal to issue water pollution receive operating "ratified" book, otherwise not allowed to work.
16. The ship away from the mooring on, the terminal member of reconciliation mooring security workers should carry out safety oversight management, and prevent the occurrence of ship collision accident terminals and terminal facilities.
17. Received tidal alarm, the terminal security should promptly notify the ship in Hong Kong, and related units to do a good job理货员moistureproof flood preparation.
18. Is strictly prohibited to the forefront of the waters of terminals and terminal debris thrown.
19. Pier fire channel occupancy is strictly prohibited.
20. Prohibited the use of unrelated persons without authorization terminal equipment and facilities.
21. Prohibited operating zones in the terminal flare up smoking and unauthorized operation.
22. Strictly unrelated to the forefront of the ship to enter the terminal waters or docked at the pier.
23. Prohibited the forefront of the waters at the pier fishing, fishing, swimming.
24. Terminal cleaning should be carried out on the terminal surface cleaning, maintaining the terminal surface clean.
25. The staff positions should be ready for the job positions for mobile inspection area and found that problem should be resolved in a timely manner will not solve the problem should be promptly reported to the base manager and found that the major problem (such as: fire, a large number of oil spills, etc.) should be timely emergency proceres.
26. The provisions of the implementation of outstanding issues related to management regulations.