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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 10:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:20

The Stars
The storyteller acting as a guide takes notice of the stars as a basis to find their way. The meeting between him and the little prince finishes when he discovers that the little prince is just like the stars as they reveal themselves. The sheer large size of the universe and the unknowns associated with the heavens are also represented by The Little Prince, as well as finally the unpopularity of the tell through time. The prince descended from a single star hanging above the draught area, which is the narrator’s last lonely and disappointed picture. In this scene, the present star emphasize the in existence of the prince hinting that his figure is fading away. The prince told his experiences of the huge and crowded populations of the universe as reminded by the star.
The Desert
The novel takes place in the Sahara Desert, where legends can easily fill the empty space. Dangerous snakes and shortage of water fills in the tough desert. The according role of the desert reflects the narrator’s thinking. Failed by grown-up opinions, the teller’s mind graally improves according to the advice of the little prince pretty much the same way the lethal desert changes in to a wonderland in the wake of the appearance of the well.
The Trains
The locomotives showing up in Chapter22 symbolizes the fruitless struggle to get rich. The train journeys are quick tournaments that will lead to sadness because people are not happy at all with their presence as the prince realizes with the help of the switchman. The near miss of the fast shuttling expresses from different directions also implies that the influences from the grown-ups are in contrast and meaningless. Once again, the truth is only understood by the kids. They reckon that the path is not overwhelmed by the end point and rush to the windows in no time as the train advances enjoying the beauty outside.
When the story comes to an end, water consumption develops into a definite sign of idealistic satisfaction. The narrator’s worries about the lack of water after he made an emergency landing early on into the desert unravel his complaint against the aging issues. Short after when he and the little prince locate the hidden well, it is the water down the teller’s throat that makes him remember Chinese New Year. The very thinking of New Year dinner indicates that his soul instead of his body that bears the desire. The salesclerk offers a thirst-relieving tablet. The prince, however, proves that only original spiritual food takes effect. The tablet can only cover one’s symptoms for a while, it cannot be regarded as a true form nutrition. The little prince states that he is willing to exchange the time saved by the tablet for quenching from cold water, the only real mental contentment that is possible to count on.
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