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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 09:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 12:08

Instrial robots are the most typical electromechanical integration equipment, high value-added technology, a wide range of applications. Instrial robot is a fast-growing instries in emerging instries, will future proction and social development of more and more important role. Foreign experts predict, the robot instry is the second car, the computer after the emergence of new large-scale high-tech instry. The article presents the global instrial robot instry's current situation and development trend, as well as instrial robot application of several major countries and the country of manufacture.
The design for the robot design, main contents include:
1. Summary of the instrial robot market development prospects, and the current instrial robot market by the existing problems.
2. To the overall layout design, determine the overall programme and assembly technology programmes.
3. A rotation, the movements of the structural design, calculation. Part of a rotation of the drive gear mechanism, partly based on take-off and landing gear and rack body.
4. Screws to the structural design and assembly, the assembly adopted by the electrical machinery hand drive, through the overload clutch rotation to achieve the rotating assembly, to set off idling, will not damage equipment.
The design parameters: assembly of the space 150 mm * 100mm, assembly objects: m2 ~ m5 screw assembly, proctivity: 30 / min.

Key words: instrial robot; robot;
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