发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 09:28
热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 03:17
List of dog fighting breeds(斗狗种类列表)如果中文名字翻译有错误,请大家帮忙指正.
Dogs that can fight... (可以用于打斗的犬类)
First Class(第一等)
- American Pit Bull Terrier(美国比特) (True Bred Fighting Dog)(此犬是完全用于打斗的犬)
- Tosa Inu (土佐)(True Bred Fighting Dog) (此犬是用于打斗的犬)
Dogs that have GREAT potential to be First Class?(最有潜力成为第一等斗犬的狗?)
Between First Class and Second Class (在第一等和第二等之间的犬种)
- Dogo Argentino(阿根廷杜高) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬) w/ Extraordinary Fighting Capabilities(不寻常的打斗能力)
- Presa Canario(加纳利) (True Bred Fighting Dog)(用于打斗的狗)
Dogs that have little or no chance of beating the First Class...(很少机会或无法与第一等抗衡的狗)
Second Class(第二等)
- American Bandogge(美国班道戈獒) (APBT/Neo cross) (Guardian(看护犬) w/ fighting capabilities(有打斗能力))
- English Bull Terrier(英国牛斗) (True Bred Fighting Dog) (用于打斗的犬类)
- American Staffordshire Terrier(美国斯塔福) (Show Dog(展示犬)/True Bred Fighting Dog)(用于打斗的犬)
- American Bulldog(美国牛斗) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬)/Bull Baiting(斗牛)/The Foundation For Most Of The True Bred Fighting Dogs)(
- Bully Kutta( 巴几司坦酷达)(True Bred Fighting Dog) (用于打斗的犬)
- Fila Brasileiro(巴西非勒) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬) w/ Fighting Capabilities)(有打斗能力)
- Gul Dong(古更??不确定,知道请告之) (Gull Terr) (True Bred Fighting Dog(用于打斗的犬))
- Indian Bull Terrier(印度牛斗更) (True Bred Fighting Dog) (用语打斗的犬)
Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Second Class?(最有潜力成为第二等的犬?)
Between Second Class and Third Class(在第二等和第三等之间的犬)
- Neapolitan Mastiff (纽波利顿獒)(Guard Dog) (看护犬)
- Mallorquin Bulldog (Ca De Bou) (马洛昆斗牛)(Guard Dog/Fighting Dog)(看护/打斗)
Dogs that have little or no chance of beating the Second Class...(有很小可能或者无法打败第二等的犬)
Third Class(第三等)
- Caucasian Ovtcharka(俄罗斯高加索) (Sheepdog(牧羊) w/ Extraordinary Fighting capabilities(不寻常的打斗能力))
- Cane Corso Italiano( 卡斯罗)(Hunting Dog/Guardian Dog) (狩猎/看护)
- Spanish Bulldog(西班牙牛斗), and Spanish Alano (西班牙阿来诺)(could be 2 breeds, or could be 1) (可以划分为2类犬,或一类)
- Dogue De Bordeaux(波尔多) (Guardian Dog/Fighting Dog) (看护/打斗)
- Guatemalan Bull Terrier(瓜地麻拉牛斗) (Guardian Dog)(看护犬)
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier (斯塔福牛斗)(True Bred Fight Dog)(纯打斗犬)
- Akita Inu(日本秋田) (Fighting Dog/Guardian Dog/Hunting Dog) (打斗/看护/狩猎)
Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Third Class?(最有潜力成为第三等的犬?)
Between Third Class and Fourth Class (在第三等和第四等之间)
- Bullmastiff (斗牛獒)(Guard Dog)(看护犬)
- Alaskan Malamute阿拉斯加犬) (Work Dog w/ Fighting Instincts) (工作犬/有打架的天性)
And finally dogs that have no chance or little of beating the third class, but can still hold their own...(最后是一些无法与第
The fourth class (第四等)
- German Shepherd(德国黑背) (Sheepdog(牧羊犬) w/ extraordinary protection capabilities)(不寻常的保护能力)
- Doberman Pinscher(德国杜宾犬) (Guardian Dog w/ extraordinary protection capabilities) (看护犬/不寻常的看护能力)
- Rottweiler (罗威纳犬)(Guardian Dog w/ extraordinary protection capabilities) (看护犬/不寻常的保护能力)
- Shar Pei(沙皮) (Guardian Dog/Fighting Dog)(看护犬/打斗犬)
- Wolf Hybrids(狼狗) (Extraordinary Fighting/Protection Instinct) (不寻常的打斗能力/保护天性)
- Tibetan Mastiff,(藏獒) ( including the Boerboel and others(包括南非獒等)) (Guardian Dogs (看护犬)w/ Extraordinary Size To
Aid Them If They Were To Fight) (如果参与打斗,他们的体积将是最有利的先天条件)
热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 03:18
斗狗,是一种有很强的猎食欲的动物,也很能斗,种类繁多。个头较低,一般颜色有*,白色,和红色等.不会看家,但非常凶猛,善于咬架. 斗狗游戏起源于宋代。宋时的皇宫里,这些生性好斗的动物们正好迎合那些战事刚停的文官武将的心态,于是在皇宫开始了他们自己的娱乐———斗鸡、斗狗。那时候这还都是皇亲国戚们喜欢的嗜好,每当斗狗、斗鸡的时候,他们总是乐此不疲地参与其中,*的下注就曾达百两黄金。为此,朝廷设立了专门负责养狗的*,而这些*往往都是七品的官衔。这大概就是中国“狗官”一词的来历吧。而今在开封依然盛行着斗狗、斗鸡这样的娱乐。在清明上河园这座以北宋著名画家张择端的《清明上河图》为蓝本修建的大型园林景观内,就能寻找到仿大宋都城时期的各种人文景观,其中就有斗狗表演项目。热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 03:18
比特犬长的也不一定都一样,有大头的。还有别的样子的。 。 还有可能是中国沙皮犬。长大以后也和比特差不太多、特别是串沙皮、 如果想分清的话,请你加我的Q发个照片我看看,157197878我的Q热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 03:19
可能是非纯种斗狗,与比特犬混交的。热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 03:20