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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 12:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 02:46

Everything we did is useful.
I believe this sentence which although some other people do not think so.(要简洁,不要太累赘)But as to(至于)playing computer games,I apart form some pleasures,get little.(从原文意思来看,如此表达即可)

I am about to talk about the simulation games which I have played.For example,I learned the importance of reasonable planning from the game Caesar 3,(注意省略I的用法)known how to assign the governemnt's money from Simcity 4,and so on.Moreover,I meanwhile appreciated something architectural and economic from this games.I think,maybe thoes who have played the same games be able to understand what I said above.

In my view,in this games,wrong planning will bring about many problems can't be ractified(什么东西,是不是ratified生效?),
on the contrary,only reasonable planning may not make you in confution.
On the other hand,bigger city does means more profit because too fast development even will come to large financial dificit.So control your sesires.

Unleash a war means slow development and difficult diplomacy,which may result in no armies conquered.We need to be in healthy competition and underline kind-hearted virtue instead of malicious wound.

Population,research,proctivity(生产力),money and army,all of these are crucial to build a rich and powerful country.Many thing is so important that it makes no sense without any one.


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