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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 00:46



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 08:06

(1)My Hobby

My hobby is playing basketball. I love basketball. I think basketball is my friend. Since the fifth year of my primary school, I have been very interested in it. I often play basketball with my friends and classmates.playing basketball helps me get good friends and get courage. I play basketball very well. I often play basketball with my friends have a gramble: who tails, who buys drinks for the others.

Actually playing basketball is very happy and is a very healthy sports. I love basketball.

(2)Sky is very blue. I like blue very much. In the morning, our teacher taught us some animals’ English names. It too hard for me! I felt unhappy. In the afternoon, when I see the sky, I saw a plane. It’s too far away.

I miss my parents very much! I wanted to hear my mother lpeak. I felt tired this time. Suddenly, I remember my mother said: ”If you think you can, you can.” Yes,hard-working is the key to success. I’ll waork hard tomorrow.

(3)Today is fine. In the morning our foreign teacher Brodie Williamson cam again. I like him very, because he is interesting. Our class was filled with laughter in his class.

Today, he taught us what is Love. First, everyone are shy because we thik love is a boy and a girl like each other. But it is not right. Lvoe include friendship, love between parents and children. We only know friendship is important. If we don’t have friends, we won’t getanything. Parents’ love is warm. When we need help, they will hilp me and love is sweet. It is like honey, they will help and believe in each other.

I think there is love everywhere.

(4)My mother is a good woman. She is very good for me. Everyday she gives me a good breakfast. Then we go to my school, when I go to my class, she goes to work.

I love my mother!

Every night, she and I go to my room. She says: “Good night! Jenny.” “Good night!” I say. Then she goes to her room.

I love my mother!

During her work time, she does not rest. But she still picks me up at school everyday. When we get home, she gives me some milk and some beak. Then I go to my bed.

I love my mother very much!

(5)I didn’t finish my work today. I didn’t write the English dairy. My mother was
very angry because she has keen me to get ahead in the career. I know that she is good
for me, but I don’t know how to say now. May be I lacks confidence in myself. Now I am
writing my English now. From now on I will force myself to practice English and do
exercise. I hope I can be turn better tomorrow.
Today I knew a new word: practices makes perfect.
(6)Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.

The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.
Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.
...时间会发作,很痛的,请问是这样吗?会痛多久? ...已经坏了,如今全身浮肿,尿排不出,医生说就这 我爷爷得了肝癌晚期,腹水,不能手术.听说氩氦超冷刀技术能治.哪里有... 父亲59岁得了肝癌晚期,医生说最多半年时间了,上面还有80多岁的爷爷... 长春跑大连的列车员,怎么区分正式分和临时工呢? 员工刚怀孕就被开除,开除负责人拒不认错,你如何看待该公司的态度?_百 ... 员工在职期间怀孕,老板可以无故迟退吗? 老板开除怀孕女员工违法吗 如何选购蚊帐 什么样的蚊帐最好 那猫代驾司机报名热线? 那猫代驾司机收入怎么样? 写英文文章或日记对英语有好处吗? 那猫代驾提取每单多少费用? 如何写英语日记以提高英语水平 大家有叫过那猫代驾的吗?怎么样? 写英语日记有什么好处? 那猫代驾司机收入高吗? 用那猫代驾叫代驾怎么样?等待时间长吗?收费贵不贵? 经常写英语日记 能提高英语吗 那猫代驾怎么在网上报名? 记英文日记作用大吗?? 那猫代驾司机一晚收入大概三四佰是真的吗 本人高三,有写英文日记的习惯,这对学英语有帮助吗? 那猫代驾司机收入怎么样 那猫代驾最高的代驾次数是多少? 那猫代驾怎么样?单量多吗? 写英语日记真的能提高写作能力吗 那猫代驾招聘需要交钱吗 写英语日记对孩子有什么好处吗? 每天坚持写英语日记很有好处用英语怎么 65533 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,不久前在学校举办的英语竞赛中获得一等奖... 写日记的好处 英语作文 错过儿童运动敏感期,可能耽误孩子一生,后悔没有 用千什么万什么的词语使句意通顺 千什什万什么并不能隔断真诚的... 比喻乱七八糟的成语 想跟明星合作 去哪找? 意大利留学硕士需要的条件 远程监控误按微信登录,怎么找回设备 ...还有一个星期就期末了,还搞什么跑操比赛乱七八糟的东西,想投诉_百 ... 骚夹子学名叫什么 我这个人很容易被一些小事情搞得心情乱七八糟,该怎么办呢 脑子乱七八糟的该咋办? 微信手机端怎么恢复聊天记录 意大利硕士留学条件需要哪些 意大利留学本科硕士申请必要条件有哪些 购买的回迁房超面积怎么办 回迁房超出面积部分如何计价 形容好日子会回来的句子 形容好日子会回来的句子?