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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 18:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 21:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 21:26

The bar chart shows some changes about average lifetime of Chinese people in the past 30 years . To be more specific , the average age of Chinese people was 69 in 1980 , then dropped to 68.5 in 1990, but increased to almost 78.4 by 2010 which is really a big improvemnt.
There are several reasons lead to this . For one thing , with the Reform and Opening Policy of China , lots of people have shared the fruits of the economic development over the past 40 years . The residents’ living standard is generally improved ,which attributes to help people keep healthier. In addition , the Reform of Medical System in recent years relives the pressure of people go to the hospital. (Last but not least , national fitness campaign that is meaningful for their healthy and prolong their lifetime are very popular among Chinese residents.)
With all the above, it seems that people's lifetime will be longer than previous generations in the future with the development of science and technology.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 21:26

My Sunday Today is sunday ,I get up early because I want to play sports .I wear my T-shirt and my shorts.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Peter.We are happy .After that ,we eat breadfast .I like drinking milk but he likes drinking juice .At 10:00,I practise playing the chess with my father .Then I eat lunch at 12:00.I will go to study English in the afternoon.Before I go to bed ,I can watch TV with my parents. This is my Sunday ,I am really very happy .追问什么乱七八糟的,0分

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 21:27


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 21:27

在筋骨堂治疗腰椎间盘突出一个疗程后已有好转,隔了三、四天又疼上了... 美的3⃣️匹柜机空调为什么不制热是什么原因? 小票打印机不出字的原因及解决方法如何解决小票打印机无法打印字的问题... 电脑打单打印机出不了小票超市收银台电脑键盘怎么用 交易房屋如何分类 城市规划用途分类该怎么做 规划用途的分类 ...打火机散件设备公司 值得信赖么 ?是不是《骗子》皮包公司? 希望给予... 哈尔滨农垦太阳神打火机散件厂是否骗人 有没有人知道网上那些打火机加工的广告是不是真是可靠?做打火机反销... 高尔夫球标准杆数是多少? 高尔夫有几种杆,分别派什么用场? 求大神是知道麻辣烫成本多少,学费大概多少 你好,别人10月三号用建行转我工行怎么还没有到账,? 268纽巴伦鞋子的价格怎么这么贵? 纽百伦鞋子一般.多少钱 帮我看一下,什么意思? 纽百伦鞋子一般多少钱 想要办一次高尔夫活动,预备分组初学者和中级学者,请教比较合理的差点(handicap)界限是多少杆? 掌趣科技接下来还会推出些什么产品? 我未来做什么能为父母,学校做些什么的作文400字 我为让父母生活能更好而读书作文50字 我们该为父母做些什么 我为父母做件事作文250 字或400字 在电脑旁的时候一切正常,离开电脑五分钟,qq提示音就不响了。求大神解答 108颗8mm的蜜蜡珠子有多少克 蜜蜡珠子可以咬碎吗 同样直径的蜜蜡珠子,品质是越轻越好,还是越重越好 这个是真的蜜蜡么?每颗珠子都是2个半圆拼成的圆珠! 今日头条上100多的蜜蜡手串真的假的 帮我看一下运气 帮我看一下这是什么图 帮我看一下这个英文怎么翻译 帮我看一下手相 帮我看一下 这是什么动物? 帮我看一下哪个好? 帮我看一下8字 我心情不好,帮我看一下? 单身戒指应该戴在哪个手指? 单身的人戒指戴哪个手指 单身带戒指戴哪个手指比较合适 单身把戒指戴在哪个手指上 - 信息提示 现在介意高中生烫头发吗? 高中可以烫头发吗 高中生适合染头发、烫头发吗?请大家给给意见…谢谢 高中女生可不可以把头发散下来,或烫头发? 高中生就不该烫头发吗 高中生烫卷发合适吗。。 请问下昨天梳子断了丶今天早上家里养了半年多的兔子无故死了吉利么?